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Posts posted by mckenziebrother

  1. Hi ^^
    I'm a normal player, not owner, admin or even moderator...
    ...and i bought an Anzio rifle.
    This thing is weird, to me.
    This is a rifle who can hit for kilometers away, can nuke humvee engines and wheels in 2 rounds... but the scope, guys. THE SCOPE!!
    First, it have no zeroing, can't settle the scope.
    Then it have a gigantic recoil, so when you open fire you can't see where the bullet is hitting, so you can't rectify your aiming, or at least: I can't.
    Wouldnt it be a normal thing for such a rifle, to have an adjustable rifle scope?
    Could anyone irl hit a car or even a truck at max range (5000 yards/4500meters) with what we have ingame? 
    People talking about realistic things can't disagree on that scope thing, i think lol. It really suck xD

  2. On 13/02/2017 at 7:58 AM, rangergk said:

    hahah, or learn whos base is so you know who to camp or to destroy stuff for payback :laugh: 

    So much care for someones base... there is still hope in dayz ^^

    "learn whos base is so you know who to camp or to destroy stuff for payback"
    it's funny, you say this just like that, just like you're used to it.
    and good people seems like giving you great fun.
    it's because of that kind of behavior i'll never be back on any of these asshole *oops* pvp server.
    honor matters.

  3. btw, i just learnt from our admins that the option to force maintenance on the plot pole is bugged on our server... it takes the money, but there's no maintenance done >< only the normal maintenance works >< it's been a week like that they say........ ><

  4. Hi, i'm not an admin or anything, but i thought to something for the plot poles...
    Ingame, it's not necessarily easy to remember the maintenance days.
    Is it impossible to add a maintenance countdown before the next items despawn?
    Then if you force the maintenance like you can now, you would synchronize all items on the same maintenance time.
    It would be really REALLY handful for everyone ingame and avoid troubles linked to maintenance like whole bases despawning :O
    I think the idea was already thrown to you... but who know... :)
    Have a good day :)

  5. ok, great! so it will work better in the next update?
    after 5k hours on dayzmod i'm still not bored of it lol, i really want to continue to play. (especially now that there's a real snap pro, i love to build since forever)
    i didnt had a chance to speak to our server owner atm, that's why i came here, to directly ask you guys ^^
    it seemed really REALLY hard to me, the way the food and drink go away... glad to hear you plan to make it work better!

  6. Hi :) 
    I'm the player of a brand new 1.0.6 epoch server, arma2.
    Just tried it, it seems awesome and all, but i got a very shitty surprise about that new food/drink food.
    I explain.
    I go to the place where i want to make my base. i eat/drink enough to fill both at 100% which already means killing half of my reserves. great. i take my chainsaw, cut what, 5 to 6 trees... VISION IS ALL GREY and i have 6k hp è_é i say it to the other dude on the server, he laugh and say it's normal, i made an effort (really? 5/6 trees with a chainsaw and 50% of my hp go poof???) and it's 1.0.6. Can the admins of a server change it, or is it something that cannot change? all i have now is a safe and 2 storage sheds. i didnt even crafted a single wood wall. 
    Am i going mad for no reason? this is going from an extreme to another: almost no need to eat............ 1.0.6: climb stairs and eat. go down and eat. cut 5/6 trees and eat (or try cutting 5/6 more... and die???) 

  7. 61365_arma2oa_2013_12_12_02_40_24_41.jpg










    au depart j'ai fait une maison de deux etages. elle avait de la gueule, j'etais content.
    apres ca m'a gavé, j'en ai construit une 2 etages plus haute... ...tout autour.

    ensuite j'me suis dit un mur d'enceinte ca serait bien, j'en ai donc fait un. en bois, double hauteur.
    apres j'ai voulu un helipad assez haut, j'etais content, il etait a 56 metres de haut.

    ensuite j'me suis dit un mur d'enceinte de 5 metres de haut en bois c'est bien mais pas costaud. j'y ai donc ajouté 19 portes de garage verrouillées en béton.
    apres... bon c'est un peu parti en cacahuete dans ma tete.
    j'ai continué a construire un truc de 4 ou 5 etages au sommet. la vue etait pas mal.
    j'y ai ajouté 50 escaliers pour rigoler, ca m'a amené a 223 metres de haut, je surplombe tout petrovka.

    apres une fois arrivé la-haut, en m'aidant du gps pour la hauteur depuis le niveau de la mer, j'ai constaté que j'etais un poil de cul de mouche au niveau de la montagne d'a coté. j'ai construit un petit atelier 2x1 en bois, et donc (logique) j'ai fait un pont pour y aller. 750 metres, le pont.
    ensuite j'ai posé 2 escaliers, je posais le pied sur la montagne depuis ma base =)

    j'ai tout fait solo, au debut a la hache, ensuite a la tronçonneuse quand j'en ai trouvé une. j'ai jamais eu d'aide, ni d'un joueur ni d'un admin (aucune caisse de matos ni rien), uniquement le farm et le craft. enfin si, y m'a filé une grosse citerne pour l'essence, et un puit pour l'eau. ca m'a pris... des mois pour la faire, genre 6 ou 7 mois. (faut dire que je bossais pas tous les jours dessus non plus!). c'est le serveur d'un pote russe. on etait bons potes, mais tout le modne s'est eparpillé au fil du temps, du coup le serveur est encore up, j'y ai encore ma base, mais il est vide. il est vide c'est bien et pas bien. bien parce que personne vient me defoncer ma base "pour rigoler" ou encore "pour le fun" ou encore "par jalousie" tout simplement. et c'est pas bien... ...bah oui si y a personne, comment je fais pour me la peter? :D c'est que j'en suis fier moi de ma petite basounette :D :D :D


    j'ai fait deux petites video y a assez longtemps:

    (base jump depuis ma base!!! :D)

    (petite visite vite fait de ma base y a longtemps)
  8. haha do you see how high is that second helipad, 56 meters above the ground? then to it, i'm currently adding stairs to even go higher :D 16 stairs added yet, 34 left :) then once it will be done, i will secure this with round bag fences for the platforms, and large wood walls for the stairs. i agree it's kinda ugly but it's also fun and makes me laugh everytime i look at my work and think i'm insane xD i'll try to go 200m high. then make a house, and a long bridge leading to the mountain next to my house in the sky. ;)

    oh, the only way now to get there is an heli xD i could go by the stairs... but it's so long :P:p

    i made this insane building just because the fucking plot pole is annoying me. i can't add anything in my main base because it's always saying too many items in the 30m limit and shit... admin pushed the item limit but not the radius..... and he's coming rarely sooooo i was bored waiting on him and wanted to build something else, somewhere else. but everyone build bases on the ground...

    i thought i could also destroy the stairs to make some house in the sky, just like the City of the Clouds in star wars xD accessible exclusively by heli. 3x3 house with 4x4 helipad as a roof... or maybe to the side of the house, dunno. yet the stairs will be a long long work ><

  9. also a bot ambush post-11088-0-48167800-1390681600_thumb.j (sorry for the small size of the pic... i wasnt allowed to upload more than 21ko........)i had next to novy. i was huntin bots there and there, went through novy on my way to the eastern beaches. 2 bots with crappy weapons (ak74/kobra, sounded like that) from novy shot me in the wheels in front of the church without killing them. so i decided to go 150m away to the east exit and engage. the thing is that when i stopped and inside turret, turning it to novy to search and kill these 2 bots, i was engaged by the hero bots invisible on map that were to the trees... and i only had 30 bullets left, no more mags. they killed my left front wheel so i get back to driver's sit to turn the vehicle and +/- safely repair the wheel and then get the fuck out of here to come back later with my beloved BRDM's 7.62 and 13.8mm guns. i repaired the wheel but had a broken bone by novy's bots. fixed my bone quick, ate bio food (i had no antibiotics...) and was 100% life again. then i tried to leave but only 20m further my right back wheel was shot by a bot, and a front wheel was killed by a bot heli that (i think) was patrolling around. so i decided to go in turret and shoot at least heli before dying, just for the principle. i shot him down with 10 bullets well placed in his tail (M2 = 12.7mm ;) ), then i still had 15/20 bullets so i decided to try my best to kill as many hero bots as i can, and was able to kill them all, but in the battle i took 2 or 3 bullets while i was using the turret so i had a broken bone again and my blood was almost empty. i repaired the 2 killed wheels and was finally able to leave the place. 200m further i found a cow so i cooked steaks and ate them to avoid having coma because of low blood... and decided to go straight to my baseand have a break irl, watching TV stuff lol.

    this is bad because i play alone, so i never have Fraps on. it was a short but really epic battle, i would love to have it in vid to show it instead of saying it. words can't beat a video.

    for info my basic kit when i go out in a vehicle is 4 wheels/scrap metal/5 20L jerrycans/2 morphine/2painkillers/2 food/drinks. but for the period wherte i was hunting with this humvee i also added 5 bio meet/1 antibiotic. not a lot of place left, but if you have different backpacks, you can store more weapons than what the care allows. in my BRDM i have all of the above + backpack coyote 50 slots, british assault pack 30 slots, czech backpack 40 slots, gunbag 35 slots, survival ACU backpack 22 slots, and on me i have large gunbag 60 slots. plus the brdm is 10 weapons/100 items/5 backpacks. so if you're careful enough, you can carry way more weapons.

  10. at the start i had the help of the admin with a well and big fuel tank. this is for the water and fuel problem. 2 months ago i was gifted a BRDM too, which helped a lot (and still helps) to hunt bots. so using BRDM, i hunt bots to airfield for weapons, then sell them, then buy cinder/mortar, building materials crates. i found a chainsaw after they were added to the game, and an other only 2 days ago, which helps a lot to build walls and floors faster.

    at some time i shot a bot heli for the fun... ...but he crashed right on me. because yes, like a noob i was shooting him while he was flying right to me. so when pilot died, heli crashed on me. then for 2 weeks i was hunting bots with armored Humvee, the one that looks reinforced with armor plates and armored M2 turret on the roof. that thing is the shit. if i had no BRDM i would hunt with it. bots only destroys wheels and hull, in 2 weeks i never had any glass to repair, engine and fuel tank never touched, so basically you can safely stay and wait inside. unless bots throw HE grenades at you and again, i know that these hummers need a second grenade to burn (i tested, first grenade kills all wheels and hull, other grenade burns vehicle.). YES, here bots ahve from time to time 2 grenades in inventory and USE THEM. also i spotted bots looting other dead bots to take their ammo.

  11. since i'm proud of my lone work on it since months, i made 2 vids these days. tell me what you think about it :)
    it's not built to be a fortress, it's only to make some cool building. at the start i built a first house, 3 floors. then  i was bored having "only" this, so i built something bigger, all around, and gone 4 floors even higher. but a week ago, i was bored huntin bots or crafting stuff and all... because the plot pole limits makes me now unable to add anything to my base due to the fucking plot pole limits. so now... i will make a bigger base somewhere in the sky :D when i'm walking on my new helipad and put a dot on the map right under my feet, it actually says 56 meters high. now i want to read 100 meters for the min. in fact i already crafted 60 1/4 floors, and i already have 24 stairs so i'll cut some more wood, make at least 6 more stairs... ...and continue building to go over my 100 meters goal, just for fun.

    and that one was just for fun. i was bored buildin stuff,and wanted to take the Beach Express to have some fun there with bots.


    on the server we have bots everywhere lol, this is the kind of fun i'm talking about :) bots in every city, and trade cities aren't god mode enabled so even there, you're not safe. you're safe NOWHERE.


    bandit bots visible on the map with little red dots. they have normal clothes, use random weapons from revolver only to pkp, mk48, golden AKs. once they're killed you have 10/15mn before new bandit bots spawns

    hero bots invisible on map, you don't know where they are, and even IF they are around. they spawn by teams of up to 6. they use SVD/MK48/M16 Acog (with M16 SD ammo!), spawn only once. once they're killed, they don't respawn.

    bandit bots randomly spawning 200 meters or less around you from time to time, by team of up to 3. marked on map.

    4 bot helis patrolling the map with 3 bandit bots inside (2 gunners/1pilot). Marked on map.


    3 bot UAZ patrolling the map too, with 4 bandit bots inside. marked on map.

    server is empty, no one ever connect on it due to bots and difficulty to find stuff. and when there was people on in the past, we always been friendly to each others, so we didn't had to fear having our vehicles destroyed, broken, with missing wheels/glasses, or simply our bases attacked. there was a trust between us, allowing us to build cool bases. now with the alhpa version of the standalone released... the bit of people that was there leaved :( but it's ok to me to be alone because bots are fun! :D


    here's now some screenies, from the time when i was new to the server and had no walls but only tents, safe, vehicles.





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