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Tommy Sunshine

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Posts posted by Tommy Sunshine

  1. Hey guys,


    I'd like to spawn in a punishment called up through a client side script and would like to know how.  I guess I could make it server side as well, something like infistars burn script would be cool.  I have started going through that code but worried I can't put it mission side and would like to do something a bit more original :).


    This could be just something I'd add to existing files for a players transgressions deemed worthy in my eyes.  I don't want to give too much away but its something I'd like to work out.




  2. I don't know why you need to add the inventory definers, and I'd like to do the same with doors although I doubt that will be as effective because people probably go try every door they find.


    But what about this?

    UPDATE `object_data` SET `CharacterID` = 0
    `CharacterID` > 0 AND
    `Classname` IN ('VaultStorageLocked','CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ','CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ','Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked','Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked')
  3. Hey guys, 


    Been running Plot management on non ppl version and fine until trying to update last night and now I get this..



    ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Napf\zupa\plotManagement\plotManagement.hpp, line 93: /PlotManagement/Controls.RscText_7013: Member already defined.



    I've looked at it and the only thing I can tell is perhaps I'm having an issue with my gui but not sure why as it is the same as it was before trying to update last night.


    Probably something stupid I should have seen but maybe you can help me out quicker than I can find it.





  4. Yeah sorry so vague.. 


    I am getting no errors at all on the rpt and testing it on a server with one plot pole.  Overpoch Cherno with snap pro 4, editing their player build to work with this.


    When I go to scroll on the pole, I get in red, Maintain area, Maintain preview, switch weapon.  I've pulled the pole and planted again although I don't think that is necessary but to be safe.


    One thing I don't know if it should effect is I've never had a custom variables.sqf, so I just created one with the one line and call it from init.sqf directly after the original variables call.

    s_player_plotManagement = -1;
  5. I've noticed you guys are mentioning on page two that the instructions aren't good for non-plot for life servers.  This is me ;)


    I've looked at adding this into my fn_Selfactions.sqf

    _nearplotPole = nearestObject [player,"Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"]; 
    _ownerPUID = _nearplotPole getVariable ["CharacterID","0"];

    But that doesn't seem to affect shit.  I don't know wtf I'm doing but figure it wasn't getting the _owerPUID defined anywhere.  


    Either with this in or without I get no errors and no options on scroll to manage pole.  


    If any could help with this or post a fix it'd rock!

  6. I get this 

    22:19:47 Error in expression <e = NEWBSARRAY select _i;
    if (time - _time < 300) then
    _uid = NEWBSA>
    22:19:47   Error position: <_time < 300) then
    _uid = NEWBSA>
    22:19:47   Error Undefined variable in expression: _time
    22:19:47 "nil player object attempting PV, :["","__SERVER__"]"

    Then is does a static restart


    Notched it only happens sometimes when mission starts or finished 



    I have this as well

  7. Yeah I've looked at RPT but don't see anything relating to zed.  I see my WAI missions spam a lot of shit but that seems to be it.


    Maybe it is sahrani.. How can I access the original loot files for a particular map and edit those?  I'll look into that, but if you know off the top of your head, throw it out there. :)


    Thanks for the help

  8. Hello,


    I've some trouble configurating the script. I want to add/change the following things:

    • Change amount of weapons in the crates (it's too much now)
    • The timer in the config doesn't seem to work. As major should spawn after half a hour uptime and after that mission there has to be 1 hour no major mission, but they seem to spawn at random times.
    • I want to add a building supply mission (and remove another 1 or 2 mission), but i don't know how.

    If anyone can tell me how to do these things, that would be awesome!



    As far as changing the amount of weapons in the crates, open up:


    DZMS\Scripts\DZMSBox.sqf and look under 




    // Weapon Crates


    You'll see several items for // Load xxx


    Find the primary, lmg, sniper, and pistols and adjust the for loops:

    //load primary
    	_scount = count DZMSprimaryList;
    	for "_x" from 0 to 2 do {

    I italicized the part you need to adjust above.  This will choose 3 primary guns since 0 counts off the list found inside of: DZMS\ExtConfig\DZMSWeaponCrateList.sqf

    You can also modify the types of weapons which will show up in each box with that file.


    As far as the timer you can adjust this in your  DZMS\DZMSConfig.sqf look for this.  I've set mine to run much faster than you want obviously.

    // The Minumum time in seconds before a major mission will run.
    // At least this much time will pass between major missions. Default = 650 (10.8 Minutes)
    DZMSMajorMin = 650;
    // Maximum time in seconds before a major mission will run.
    // A major mission will always run before this much time has passed. Default = 2000 (33.33 Minutes)
    DZMSMajorMax = 1000;
    // Time in seconds before a minor mission will run.
    // At least this much time will pass between minor missions. Default = 600 (10 Minutes)
    DZMSMinorMin = 500;
    // Maximum time in seconds before a minor mission will run.
    // A minor mission will always run before this much time has passed. Default = 990 (16.5 Minutes)
    DZMSMinorMax = 690;

    To add the building supply mission you just need to add in epoch mission 1 (EM1) into your DZMS\DZMSConfig.sqf right here like mine is.

    DZMSMajorArray = ["EM1","SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6"];

    Hope this has helped!



  9. I'm having a server event and was going use a bat fest to whittle it down to the top 8 contestants, but when I spawned in a bat, I couldn't use it as a weapon.... Can you say wah Tommy Sunshine, wah?


    Anyways I mean I can get over it and use another item, but we were going to allow all contestants to keep the bat as a sort of just showing up unique gift.  


    Anyone able to help me with this? I'm sure its something simple like adding the correct call to the beginning of my mission file or something but I'm fairly clueless in these regards.  My skills revolve around cutting and pasting.





  10. This works like a charm!


    The only thing I have a problem with is the issue of a base being around the safe with my indestructible no maintenance server. I have to doors set to destructible now but I guess the doors which were built when I still had the doors set as indestructible are still that way.  I need to have combo locks reset on 30 days as well but I realize there are like what 6 different checks for different doors with combo locks? I could probably figure it out just haven't spent the time yet..


    Thanks for the great idea and script though!  LOVE IT!

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