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Posts posted by Shadow{}Wolf

  1. I restarted again and got this:


    14:46:58 "HIVE: got 480 Epoch Objects and 398 Vehicles"
    14:47:33 "HIVE: Spawning # of Vehicles: 12"
    14:47:33 "HIVE: Spawning # of Debris: 100"
    14:47:33 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 3"
    14:47:33 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 50"
    So obviously it's trying to spawn 410 vehicles. If my ini is set to 200, any idea where it could be getting that number from?
  2. So I did that, purged a ton of vehicles, and restarted my server, then checked my RPT file to see how I'd done. Something is still goofy though. My init limits the vehicle count to 200, but I saw this:


    14:37:18 "HIVE: Starting"
    14:37:18 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
    14:37:18 "HIVE: found 861 objects"
    14:37:18 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..."
    14:37:19 "HIVE: got 480 Epoch Objects and 381 Vehicles"
    14:37:53 "HIVE: Spawning # of Vehicles: 29"
    14:37:53 "HIVE: Spawning # of Debris: 100"
    14:37:53 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 3"
    14:37:53 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 50"
    If i'm set to 200 and I had 381 why did it spawn 29 more?
  3. I've seen this too on my servers and I have a theory about it. I think there are times when the server auto restarts and doesn't load the DB correctly. The server then thinks "Oh shit, we don't have any vehicles" and so it spawns a batch of fresh ones. The next restart the DB correctly syncs and the ones generated from last reset are incorporated into the total, causing the increase. If you look at your DB I'll bet there are a bunch of vehicles with the same created on date for no reason ;)  If so that's likely your answer.


    This is certainly a possibility. I've had two reported cases of my server not loading the DB, where players came on and all of the objects were gone. Both were fixed by subsequent restarts. I would have assumed that any changes made after would have been lost when the database connected properly on the next restart, but perhaps that is not the case. The vehicle issue was not reported until after the first broken restart was reported, and neither were reported until after the last patch.


    Can anyone help me figure out a clean way to remove all of the vehicles that are not owned? Is there an easy way to properly identify that? I've tried before I found that vehicles I thought were unowned were actually just sitting at people's bases.

  4. I'm having the same issue. My init.sqf defines Max Vehicles as 200.


    Here's a snip of my RPT.


    18:31:03 "HIVE: found 1453 objects"
    18:31:03 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..."
    18:31:08 "HIVE: got 481 Epoch Objects and 972 Vehicles"
    18:31:11 "Res3tting B!S effects..."
    18:31:16 class HitPoints::HitLF2Wheel not found in policecar
    18:31:16 class HitPoints::HitRF2Wheel not found in policecar
    18:31:16 class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in policecar
    18:31:16 class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in policecar
    18:32:10 "HIVE: Vehicle Spawn limit reached!"
    18:32:10 "HIVE: Spawning # of Debris: 100"
    18:32:10 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 3"
    18:32:10 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 50"
    18:32:10 "Initializing DZAI version 1.9.7 using base path \z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI."
    So if my max is 200 how the hell am I getting 972? My server is low pop, no way that's all from people buying.
  5. Have you adjusted the unit count in the missions?

    In the block of spawns for a mission, you'll usually see 3-4 of these lines.

    [[(_coords select 0) + 0.0352,(_coords select 1) - 6.8799, 0],6,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;

    Which without the weird coords placement:

    [[0,0,0],6,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;

    The 0's in that are the coordinates, 6 is the unit count, and 1 is the skill level. So make sure your unitcount matches what you are trying to do.


    In a recent update we decided to start cleaning up AI when the next mission of the same type runs, (major to major, minor to minor, etc) but we forgot to ignore dead AI. Its something we are currently working on fixing.


    Yeah, I did account for that. Using your example, a typical missions for me  might look something like this:

    [[0,0,0],6,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;
    [[0,0,0],4,2,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;
    [[0,0,0],2,3,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;

    (Obviously there's a 3 or 5 second wait between each spawn, I'm just doing this off the top of my head)


    So what I would expect, based on the Weapon configs in the ai config file, is that 6 AI would spawn with the basic-ish weapons defined in Weps 1, 4 would spawn with the military weapons defined in Weps 2, and 2 would spawn with the anti-material sniper rifles that I defined in Weps 3.


    In reality, I saw 5 or 6 AI with Anti-Material sniper rifles on the EM1 mission (C130), despite having only 2 level 3 AI called.


    This may be happening more frequently than people realize. By default all 3 Weps are a mix of weapons and it might be hard to recognize this. It be worth testing with just one weapon in each Weapon config to see exactly what each AI is spawning with. I might try that this afternoon if I have some time after work.

  6. Hi Vampire,


    First of all, thanks so much for this mod. Great job. I love your improvements.


    I'm doing some testing on my test server and getting this mod ready for my test server.


    One thing that I like having on the mission mods is a couple of units, usually one or two, that are guaranteed to spawn with a KSVK, M107, or AS50. I used to set this in the addserverunit.sqf files on the old systems. On your system what I tried doing was simply making Weapon Load Out 3 fit this criteria, and calling an AI spawn with 2 units at Skill level 3 in each mission sqf. However, i've noticed that more than the number of units i'm defining as skill level 3 are spawning with those weapons. Is there some kind of innate chance that the other skill levels upgrade on spawn or am I mission something else?


    Another thing that i've noticed while testing is all of the AI, including bodies, disappearing and a new mission starting seemingly quicker than i would expect. Granted, i'm triggering this on my test server by teleporting into the middle of the mission area to make sure everything spawned quickly, so that triggers the "Mission Complete" text because of my proximity to the center of the missions, but it's only a couple of minutes later that i've seen everyone disappear, and I have Min Start time set to 1200 on both minor and major missions. While the method that gets me there is unusual, i'm concerned that during normal gameplay this would result in bodies disappearing before players were finished looting them. I have corpse despawn set to 2400.

  7. I had the same problem so I'm changing this to the M2 version.  But I kinda want to keep the crows version as it sounds like an awesome upgrade to the other armored humvees.  What makes the class name incorrect?




    This is the same classname in the arma 2 OA armory but with the addition of the "_DZE" part


    So I should just remove the _DZE?


    When in doubt, find something that's already in your database or at a trader on your server.

  8. So my solution, based on input from this thread and on solving issues that popped up for me throughout, though probably not the cleanest, was this:


    Excerpt from my BEC scheduler.xml

    	<!-- 2 min to the 12:00 restart -->
    	<job id="8">
    		<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 2 min.</cmd>
    	<!-- 12:00 restart -->
    	<job id="9">
    		<cmd>C:\GGW DayZ Epoch\Server_Restart.bat</cmd>
    	<job id="10">

    As you can see, that calls a restart.bat BEFORE it shuts down.


    That restart.bat looks like this:

    @echo off
    timeout 20
    echo Starting Dayz Server
    :: start the server..
    set dayzpath="C:\GGW DayZ Epoch"
    cd /d %dayzpath%
    start "" "DayZ_Epoch_instance_11_Chernarus.bat"
    timeout 10
    echo Starting Bec
    :: start bec
    set becpath="C:\GGW DayZ Epoch"
    cd /d %becpath%
    start "" "bec.exe" -f ggwconfig.cfg
    echo Server Started 100%

    So the bat starts but waits 20 seconds before executing anything, during that 20 seconds the schedule will run #shutdown to ensure that the server is shutdown properly.


    I've been running this for several days now. It runs 4 times a day at 6 and 12. I havn't had any issues at all. All database objects spawn back properly, no crashes, no bad starts.

  9. I think i found it. It was actually deleting things after 24 days, and it was because of the Recommended Events that come in the Epoch Server packaged, which I added in my SQL database.


    I had edited removeObjectOld, setting it to only delete objects with a timestamp 60 days old or greater.


    What I missed was removeObjectEmpty. It was set to delete any object greater than 24 days old with an Inventory of Null or []. It just dawned on me that all of the built walls and such have an Inventory of [], so they were getting removed as empty objects. I set this to 60 as well now.


    So now that those 2 events are set to 60 and CleanupPlacedAfterDays is set to 60 in my hive.ini, things should stick around for 60 days. Hopefully I won't have any more issues.

  10. The best way is to keep up with which of your files you've changed. Start with a vanilla install. Assume all files will be affected on any given update, so keep a list of what you changed. When the update comes out, diff all the files that you changed against the new versions of them. If you keep your changes neat an orderly inside the files it should be pretty quick.


    There are tons of good diff programs out there, like the compare plugin for notepad++ as mentioned above. I personally use Beyond Compare because I have a free license for it from work.

  11. Everything seems to work pretty well after my initial install of this on my test server.


    I'm not fond of the mission loot. I keep getting stuff like 1 plywood pack and 8 etools...weird combinations like that. I'd like to see some weighting done, and easier customization of what rewards spawn in what quantities. For instance, i'd like a minor mission to reward 4 guns, 4 ammo, a backpack, and a few random things...stuff like that.


    I'd also like to be able to define additional units for my missions. I tried this on my own by making a skillevel 4 and weps 4 and adding a line to the array in aispawn.sqf but I missed something, because doing this caused no AI to spawn at all. My primary use for this is to make sure that every mission spawns 1 or 2 guys with anti-vehicle weapons to help keep people from just roflpwning missions with vehicles.

  12. I'm also not getting any AI on my missions. My .rpt is full of error messages like this one:


    _unit = _unitGroup createUnit [_aiskin, [(_position select >
    11:25:17   Error position: <createUnit [_aiskin, [(_position select >
    11:25:17   Error Type Any, expected String
    11:25:17 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 32
    11:25:17 Error in expression <_fnc_selectRandom;





    This one was user error, caused by me trying to add a 4th difficulty level and weapon loadout. (I wanted to make a unit that always spawns with an M107, KSVK, or 50, that I can define seperate on missions to help kill player vehicles. I usually spawn one or two of these on each of my missions. I had it working perfectly with the old add_unit_server setup. Anyone know how i can do this with the new system?

  13. I still think i'm seeing an issue with this. I'm going to have to do some testing on my test server. I have Decay in my hiveext.ini set to 60 and uncommented out, and i have the database event set to 60 as well, so i'd think that no objects would get deleted prior than 6 days, but today i went by a base that I'd found a few days ago, and most of it was gone. There's no way it's been more than 60 days as my server isn't even 60 days old, and the vehicles and such were still there so I know that noone destroyed it.


    Edit: Looking at my database, the oldest wall on the server is now 24 days. I'm going to keep an eye on it and see if goes away tomorrow, it's part of the base that I think disappeared this morning, so that might be the magic number at the moment, i'm just not sure why.

  14. The point of a base is so you can have a safe spot to store things when you are not on. Don't want to carry around that sniper rifle while you are simply looting low level spawn areas? Leave it in your base. Don't want to risk your only E-Tool while picking a friend up from Cherno? Leave it in your base. 

    As for the respawning thing. With a base you can basically run from the coast to your base and pick up your spare gear. Load it up with one of each of the basics and you can ignore you body and avoid most of the loot points on your way to your base. 

    Spawning in your base would remove the very last sting of dying. No thanks. 


    Couldn't agree more

  15. It's on your home computer? Do you have a static IP from your ISP? What IP are your friends trying to connect to? Your friends should be able to search for your server by IP address. If they can not then your firewall is most likely to blame. You need to add rules to permit the Arma2OAServer executable that's in your server folder to go through the firewall.

  16. Hello,


    I've noticed on my server that sometimes if I go up to a trader it takes a few seconds for the "Trader Menu" choice to show up on the mouse wheel menu. Everything ends up working correctly, but it's delayed. The first time I noticed this is momentarily had me thinking the menus were broken entirely.


    Can anyone tell me if this is a normal thing or what may cause/alleviate it?

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