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What is an Epoch Event?


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I found out:
The last number in the code is the INGAME time (just watch on your ingame watch)

if You do:


A crash will spawn at server boot

Will spawn a crash EVERYTIME the watch ticks 30 min ingame.


This can be setup the way you want it.


The drops have a certain ammount of % chance that it can spawn. so.

Im still working out how these values apply.


Is it really 0.70% chance that when the clock ticks 30 that a event will happen?

or is it some wierd code langauge for 70%?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...


I was wondering if someone can help me...


I have put in the variables into the mission scripts and they are being triggered but the game is not running them.


I have looked through the logs and i have found this:


22:10:07 "RUNNING EVENT: Military on [2014,2,22,19,10]"
22:10:07 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\modules\Military.sqf not found
now i am unsure as to where that path is. When people say put it in you modules folder i have put it in the only folder that i beleive it should go in. 
I host with GTXGaming.co.uk and the file structure is \mpmissions\dayz_epoch_11.chernarus\ca\modules\
Is this the wrong place?
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Remote messages by maca134 [[email protected]]

This allows you to send globalchat/hint/titlecut from the server to all or a specific player without having to use remote exec

(if you have resec.sqf then you can only do titletext via RE)

I wants to dp sidechat/groupchat too but it didnt work.

To install add '_nil = [] execVM "custom\remote_messages.sqf";' to your init.sqf inside the 'if (!isDedicated) then {' block.

Global chat can only be sent to a single user and requires 'enableRadio true;' in init.sqf

Here are some examples:

customRemoteMessage = ['globalChat', "say something in globalChat", _unit];
publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";

customRemoteMessage = ['titleCut', "say something in titleCut", _unit];
publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";

customRemoteMessage = ['hint', "say something in hint", _unit];
publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";

customRemoteMessage = ['titleCut', "say something in titleCut"];
publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";

customRemoteMessage = ['hint', "say something in hint"];
publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";

customRemoteMessage = ["titleText", "say something in hint"];
publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";

customRemoteMessage = ["titleText", "say something in hint", _unit];
publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";

fnc_remote_message = {
	private ["_type", "_message", "_player"];
	_type = _this select 0;
	_message = _this select 1;
	if (count _this > 2) then {
		_player = _this select 2;
		if (_player == player) then {
			switch (_type) do {
				case "globalChat": {
					player globalChat _message;
				case "hint": {
					hint _message;
				case "titleCut": {
					titleCut [_message, "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
				case "titleText": {
					titleText [_message, "PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 10;
	} else {
		switch (_type) do {
			case "hint": {
				hint _message;
			case "titleCut": {
				titleCut [_message,"Plain Down",3];
			case "titleText": {
				titleText [_message, "PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 10;

"customRemoteMessage" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fnc_remote_message;};

make sure in init.sqf you add this code to the "if (!isDedicated) then {" area. (making sure you use the correct path as you might not have it in a scripts folder etc)

_nil = [] execVM "scripts\remote_messages.sqf";
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I found out:

The last number in the code is the INGAME time (just watch on your ingame watch)

if You do:


A crash will spawn at server boot


Will spawn a crash EVERYTIME the watch ticks 30 min ingame.


This can be setup the way you want it.


The drops have a certain ammount of % chance that it can spawn. so.

Im still working out how these values apply.


Is it really 0.70% chance that when the clock ticks 30 that a event will happen?

or is it some wierd code langauge for 70%?




Like most things in DayZ, the .70 refers to 70%.  It's not really "weird code" for the fact that 1 is a whole number and a tenth (.1) is a portion of that whole value.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Lol, I was not sure if Events work in the Linux Version of the server and it took me quite a bit to figure out what the issue was:


There is a typo in the initial post: "hello_word" instead of "hello_world".


@vbawol: maybe you can correct this in the OP so that others may not struggle into the same thing again.

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Could someone please link me/explain on how the epoch event timers work please? I have looked everywhere and have gotten no good explanations.


1. I am trying to get a certain mission to run every evening at 20:35. (once per day at 20:35pm)


How would i make this happen? 


Would this work? ^^ if not, what would be the correct way to add this?


2. What would i add to make a certain mission spawn :10 minutes past every hour? (ie. 12:10, 13:10, 14:10 etc..)


3. And then lastly what would be added to make missions spawn every 20 minutes ingame time. (one at uptime 20, second at 40 etc)


RIght? ^^


Sorry for the noob questions but any responce would be appreciated.  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.) ["any","any","any",20,35,"abandonedvault"] You are correct here. [Year Month Day Hour Minute]


2.) ["any","any","any","any",10,"abandonedvault"]


3.) Don't know. These events (from how I understand how the Hive function is used) use the real operating system time (database server time).

I guess the army2 time functions (date,...) can be used to check how long the mission is running and how much time is gone so far. These funtions are all mission (ingame) related.

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3. And then lastly what would be added to make missions spawn every 20 minutes ingame time. (one at uptime 20, second at 40 etc)


RIght? ^^


Sorry for the noob questions but any responce would be appreciated.  :)




answer to #3


All times are based off system time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

answer to #3


All times are based off in game time.


Then someone else says this:


3.) Don't know. These events (from how I understand how the Hive function is used) use the real operating system time (database server time).

I guess the army2 time functions (date,...) can be used to check how long the mission is running and how much time is gone so far. These funtions are all mission (ingame) related.



I don't know what to believe, I think many people including myself would appreciate some proper documentation of how the events work. (if that already exists, please link me to it) Have searched around and couldn't find anything about this yet.



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Then someone else says this:



I don't know what to believe, I think many people including myself would appreciate some proper documentation of how the events work. (if that already exists, please link me to it) Have searched around and couldn't find anything about this yet.




It's system time, I was really tired when I replied. My bad. I should sleep more. I updated my original answer...

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  • 3 months later...
  • 9 months later...

(to my old friends here, i am not back... :P)

Go to your /dayz_server folder (extract the pbo first) and specifically to : /dayz_server/compile/server_spawnEvent.sqf


Under line: if(_outcome == "PASS") then {   put

if (count playableUnits >= 10) then {    // It wont start an event with less than 10 people

above line:   sleep 10;   put


That should do it....recompile the dayz_server folder back to a pbo and delete the folder.
It wont start an event if the server has less than 10 people online.

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  • 2 weeks later...
EpochEvents = [

Does this look right? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

That would produce a random number between 0-5 ..not sure you want that :P

Based on this: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/55420-geneate-a-random-number-between-two-values/


You could do :


_vaule=(round (random 30)) + 15;


and then use


["any","any","any","any",_vaule,"Treasure" ],


This will produce a random number between 15 and 45 so you can tweak those 2 numbers accordingly.




["any","any","any","any",(round (random 5)),"Treasure" ],


like that?


whats a good number to use it confused the heck outa me :P

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