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Traders confusion


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Hi everyone,


Just like to start off by saying that I am a php developer so I have an in depth knowledge of MYSQL however im still having a hard time making sense of this mumbo jumbo.


I have been able to add a couple of items to my traders fine however when trying to add new categories and trying to figure out how this links up is messing with my head.


The main thing that isnt making a whole lot of sense to me is that the server_traders table doesnt seem to match whats on the actual server, infact my anti hack shows no id's for the server traders which would suggest that they are added in the mission file and not by mysql.... however the trader_data table links to the trader_tid's which links to the relevant trader in the server traders table so that completely defies logic.


Furthermore my database says that my parts trader in klen should have a Woodlander1 skin however he does not and infact the skin that is actually displayed for him doesnt even exist in the table at all and this is the same for the other traders.


I would have thought that in order to add a category all I would have to do is add it into trader_tids with the relevant trader id however because the server_traders table doesnt seem to match up, this of course doesnt work.


Oh and how is trader_items related to anything at all, it doesnt link to anything and doesnt seem to have any real use really.


Personally I think whoever designed this database needs shot because im stressing my tits out atm, I can add in specific items if I look up a similar item in trader_data and use the same tids however if I try and work it from the other way round it never seems to work and I have no way of adding categories because things just dont link up the way they should.


I did update the trader tables with the ones from a mod pack so I hope they arent the culprits... however I doubt it from looking at this database design.


Anyhoo im tired and rambling... im hoping someone out there can make sense of what iv just said.

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