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MP5SD no sights view & remove injured from [vehicle] causes player coma.



Hi all,


Two bugs I have come across in the latest vanilla Epoch (as of the current date), no additional scripts at all;

  1. The MP5 Silenced (SD) will not allow me to view down the sights making the gun pretty useless unless you want to do some 'spray and pray' type gaming with mags costing 4x 10oz silver.
  2. A number of vehicles came up with the 'remove injured from vehicle' (wording based on memory) option.  I actually tried it yesterday and found my player in a coma on the floor by the vehicle.  luckily I had another player with me and they were able to grab an epi pen from my bag and it revived me.

Other very annoying issue, although not sure if it is a bug or 'by design', there is nothing stopping zombie attacks in the trader areas.  How about some sort of zombie restriction or at least a couple of guards ?.


Last thing is that the volume of the sound effects seems to go down over time and it affects both of the players on the server equally (lan server, only two players at present).  I had been playing all day and it had got to the point that I cannot hear zombies at all.  When the other player joined the same was true for them from the start.  I had used [alt] + [tab] a few times on my client throughout the day which seems to affect it.  Changing the volume sliders in the options made no difference.  The mucis seems to stay more or less the same volume though, it is really just the sound effects.


Known issues / need any more info ?.



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