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Chernarus Secret Airfield


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  On 5/16/2014 at 5:23 AM, MatthewK said:

Your custom edition seems to be calling over arma mods that the ones you mention in previous posts, my friends server crashed after following all your instructions even the part with the update to the mission.sqm (not mission.sqf) .. If you're going to release custom editions you should really let people know whether they need to make changes elsewhere. My mates server was down for 2 hours while he waited on his provider to fix it.  


I can't remember the other missing mod error, but it was something to do with aifields.. 


original airfield didnt use the other mods so was no errors but yes the updated one with road i will add to op about mission.sqm so easier for u, hopefully 1.0.5 will have this in there already as tbh should have been in there on 1.0.4 as the mods were part of epoch files, being its placed in most threads about changing your mission.sqm would expect people to know about this by now.


  On 5/16/2014 at 1:45 PM, patriotnl said:

I have a question, can i have the original folder?? So i can mark it on the map as a admin base?

Or could you sent me a SQF, where you already marked it for me on the map?

Friendly regards




i put it here



in the mission pbo go to the init and at the bottom put

//custom marker

[] execVM "Secretairfield.sqf";

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I really like the work you did on this. I had to remove the road so it didn't conflict with the Peboda Road addon. I ended up copying all of the airbase items into the Peboda Road sqf and then adding the road and gate for the airfield.


Again, great work on this base.


Anyone have the time to enclose this base with fencing?

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  On 11/13/2014 at 12:27 AM, normile said:

hey guys so i have installed it and all but the airfield is not spawning in i have been trying to figure it out for a couple days now and still cant, just would like some insite.


Save the dayz_server.pbo to your desktop

Copy and paste it, then rename the 2nd one to dayz_server_org.pbo (incase you mess it up you have a back up)


Depbo dayz_server.pbo - so it is in a folder format to your desktop

Create a new folder called mapaddons or what ever you want - We will use mapaddons for this example


copy and save the from the link in the OP and save the file as secretairfield.sqf in the mapaddons folder.


Open the server_monitor.sqf in the systems folder

now scroll down until line about 21 - Find this


// Custom Configs



Just below it add this

call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\mapaddons\secretairfield.sqf";

Save the file


delete the dayz_server.pbo if its still in the same directory

Now repack the dayz_server.pbo


upload to your server and restart and enjoy.


if you want the marker follow the OP

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All buildings in no problem. I do not see a map marker though and reread the stuff above. I noticed I left out the "  [] " in the server_functions.sqf and am not sure if I should edit that back in?


Also (I am very new to all of this) is there a way to make this smaller as far as what a player d/l's when joining the server?


Thanks for all the work you did!

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