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Chernarus Secret Airfield


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  • 2 months later...
  On 12/22/2014 at 5:41 PM, Nutt said:

All buildings in no problem. I do not see a map marker though and reread the stuff above. I noticed I left out the "  [] " in the server_functions.sqf and am not sure if I should edit that back in?


Also (I am very new to all of this) is there a way to make this smaller as far as what a player d/l's when joining the server?


Thanks for all the work you did!


Map marker goes into the mission pbo

Sounds like you placed the airfield in the wrong pbo if people are downloading it, its server side so should be in server pbo.


  On 2/2/2015 at 11:57 PM, OneManGang said:

I installed this and it works, but noticed a significant lag on the server. With it in, opening doors takes about 5 seconds. Without it, and many other add ins, all is well.

Same lag with getting in vehicles and changing positions.

If you have lots of other map addons and lots of bases then it will lag, if your useing the version with road then use the one without as its alot smaller size

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  • 2 months later...

Very nice custom content.


I'm having very low fps on the área. Without the Secret Airfield i have 100+ fps and with the Secret Air Field fps lower to 20-30.


A lower in fps is expected, sure, but this lowering was too big.


Anyone having that too?


What i tried:

1) Remove lots of buildings.

2) Remove all the grass cutters (grass set to off).


Fps was a litle better, but still a big hit.


What i have not tried:

1) Remove roads.

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Donnovan, where are you executing the SQF from?  I've got it placed near the bottom of my server_functions.  My max fps around Chernarus is only in the 40s, but the secret airfield only causes me to drop about 10 fps and I run the large file.  Would expect much more than 20 fps from a better computer.  I would say check my server out to compare, but I also run rMOD and Sigma vehicles, so joining can be a hassle.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Someone can Help me to add this to my server? I have a little server for me and my firends (10slots) and that airfield will be my admin base. Im so exited to add this to my server, if someone offer to do it, that will be awesome.

We can speak at teamspeak or something like that.


Thanks and amaizing work buddy, i love it

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  • 8 months later...
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  • 4 years later...
  On 2/19/2014 at 2:56 AM, x2dezjohn said:

Updated version (big file)


Road to the dam and new area added


Image: http://gyazo.com/febcf71f909b80642f9d20d4d171b363

Download: http://pastebin.com/cQ6qJP7W


Hi, I like this Mapaddon very much, but could you do a further version of the big file without the road from the hospital to pobeda-dam and all the things on the way there? I use this Mapaddon too: https://epochmod.com/forum/topic/43771-new-roadstownsvillages-north-of-chernarus/ and the streets are clipping into another...

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