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Updated to yesterday morning and afterwards we have missing traders and half the ones we have we can not interact with.


list of installed mods on the server are as follows

agn safe zones


ai busroute

r3f towing

master key

build snapping

vehicle refuel,rearm,repair at any pump for gold

custom debug monitor.


everything worked great on problem arose after


But like at bay of tikaya and nwaf no trader at the wholesaler or the airplane dealer. at stary sobor no traders work at bash city no traders work but on klen mountain 1 trader works its the girl with the chemlights and medical supplies

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Also lost our traders the other day once we installed a script, will look next time I'm on and try and remember the fix. I'm sure it's something to do with the player function and I'm sure it was when we installed self blood bag.


Just checked and it was when we added krixis self blood bag, cant remember the solution of the top of my head but fn_selfaction comes to mind. At work for the next 6 hours so will check once I'm home to try and help you.

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