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DayZ Epoch Sauerland Changelog


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Information from: 19/12/2014
What does the VersionNo. mean: 1 = PreBeta . 90 = Update Version . 03 (WIP Version, Intern used)
Version 1.90.04
[added] fal_objects.pbo 
[added] a new port near Arnsberg (North of the map)
[reworked] a village near Arnsberg reworked to a fishermens village
[reworked] some houses in fahrenbrecht changed to german half-timbered houses
[reworked] a little town changed into german style
[added]  simple skilift groundstation
[added]  simple skilift poles
[added]  simple skilift ropes
[added]  half-timbered house vers.1
[added]  half-timbered house vers.2
[added]  half-timbered house vers.3
[added]  half-timbered house vers.4
[added]  half-timbered house vers.5
[added]  half-timbered house vers.6 (little Drugstore "Schlecker") (enterable main floor))
[added]  half-timbered house vers.7 (jeweler "Kobers") (enterable main floor))
[added]  half-timbered house german signal tower (full enterable)
[added]  half-timbered house vers.8
[added]  half-timbered house vers.9 "Restaurant Lindenhof"
[added]  half-timbered house vers. 10 
[added]  half-timbered house vers. 11 "police" (full enterable)
[added]  half-timbered house vers. 12 
[added]  half-timbered house vers. 13 
[added]  half-timbered house vers. 14
[added]  half-timbered house vers. 15 
[added]  half-timbered house vers. 16  
[added]  Railway signal showing "HALT" (Stop)
[added]  Railway signal showing "Slow"
[added]  Railway suignal showing "Free"
[added]  Monastry claustrum
[added]  Monastry Basilica
[added]  Vault_Entrance
[added]  Vault Floor short
[added]  Vault Floor Corner
[added]  Vault Floor T
[added]  Vault Floor T full blocked
[added]  Vault Floor T blocked one side
[added]  Vault Atrium
[added]  Vault Labor
[added]  Vault Coroner Room
[added]  Vault Coffee Mashine
[Added]  Vault TV
[added]   A new Church. St. Bonifatius church from Bergen (rügen). Enterable. 
[added]  four new City houses
[added]  a Video rental store
[added]  a pet food store
[added]  a Kebab shop, enterable
[added]  New railroadcrossings
[added]  a new city house "Hotel"
[added]  four new City houses
[added]  two new small Cityhouses
[added] a city house "postbank"
[added] a city house "travel booking"
[added] village house Vers.1
[added] village house Vers.2
[added] village house Vers.3
[added] village house Vers.4
[added] village house Vers.5
[added] village house Vers.6
[added] village house Vers.7
Version 1.90.02
[fixed] a missplaced Pub in Höinghausen 
[fixed] unnatural terrain near Höinghausen at 217|162
[fixed] missplaced objects at  217|162
[fixed] road in road at 64|88
[fixed] tree in building at 70|84
[fixed] pole on a road at 58|90
[fixed] road smoothed at 058|090
[fixed] road smoothed at 047|097
[fixed] road smoothed at 020|105
[fixed] road smoothed at 007|120
[fixed] road smoothed at 032|104
[fixed] tree on road 017|145
[fixed] road smoothed at 030|178
[fixed] freeway exit near fahrenbrecht at 015|250
[fixed] aggric. road smoothed at 018|249
[fixed] aggric. road smoothed at 020|247
[fixed] unnatural slope at 026|246
[fixed] missplaced fuel tank at 031|247
[fixed] missplaced wall at 031|246
[fixed] railroad tracks at 029|244
[fixed] missplaced fences at 028|245
[fixed} Tree on road at 030|242
[fixed] missplaced fence at 030|237
[fixed] missplaced fence at 030|236
[fixed] overlapped road at 030|237
[fixed] trees on roads 033|235
[fixed] overlapped roads at 032|235
[fixed] missplaced houses at 033|248
[fixed] trees on raod at 057|233
[fixed] missplaced Objects at 163|079
[fixed] missplaced roadtiles at 138|079 
[fixed] trees on road at 137|134
[fixed] unnatural terrain at 219|081
[fixed] trees on road at 118|135
[fixed] trees on road at 109|126
[fixed] missplaced houses at 097|067
[fixed] missplaced trafficsigns at 097|067
[fixed] missplace busstop at 097|067
[fixed] missplaced fences at 097|068
[fixed] missplaced trees on road at 094|067
[fixed] missplaced walls at 094|067 
[fixed] pole on road at 117|084
[fixed] missplaced objects at 117|084
[fixed] missplaced gas station at 120|082
[fixed] missplaced house at 118|085
[fixed] industrial building flickers at 114|087
[fixed] missplaced fences at 113|086
[fixed] missplaced objects in calle
[fixed] wall around the graveyard in calle
[removed] wrong placed poles
[removed] a trafficsign in wilderness near Höinghausen
[removed] fence in wilderness at 194|149
[removed] barricades in Garbow
[removed] missplaced trafficsign
[removed] missplaced trafficsign at 030|237
[changed] some terrain near Höinghausen
[changed] town Ihren completly rebuild
[changed] town Ihrhoven completly rebuild
[changed] the whole region around the herotrader
[changed] some buildings in the town Calle
[added] a farm at Fahrenbrecht
[added] some more foliage at fahrenbrecht
[added] some more foliage
DayZ Sauerland for Epoch
Version 1.90.01 Hotfix (download here: www.s6computer.de/Downloads.html, all 5 files needed)

[fixed] freewaybridges let you fall thru them if you stop your vehicle.

[fixed] missing roadtile at 056|074

[fixed] some unnatural slopes at 057/073

[fixed] some missplaced roadtiles at the freewayexit to Uhlenbusch

[fixed] missing forrest near town moosbach

[fixed] missplaced wall at a barn near Berghausen

[fixed] some unnatural slopes near Berghausen

[fixed] A terrainbug at meschede

[fixed] trees in the TV tower near oberdorf

[fixed] missing roadtile at the freeway near Meschede

[fixed] missing trees in Meschede

[fixed] some unnatural slopes at Meschede industrial yard


[changed] Some regions at Meschede near heggen reworked


[added] A little town added above Großenfelde, not named yet


[removed] a forrest above Großenfelde



Older Changelogs



**** Version 1.90.00 ****


[fixed] wall on road at 111|106

[fixed] roadcrossing at 29|180

[fixed]  some leg breaking regions

[fixed]  some wrong placed roadtile fixed at 46|112


[changed] road with one lane changed to a road with two lanes at 109|115 (near schüren)

[changed] mud road to asphalt at 38|123

[changed] all forrests reworked

[changed] some regions of the landscape smoothed

[changed] some roads reworked. shown at the picture on top of this Doc.

[changed] some roads with one lane changed to roads with two lanes


[changed_town] -unnamed: added a shop at 89|119

[changed_town] -unnamed: added a pub at 88|120

[changed_town] -unnamed: reworked houses and backyards at 88|120 and around 500 Meters

[changed_town] -Schmallenberg: reworked

[changed_town] -Uhlenbusch: Farm reworked to a big rich farmer's house and farm at 38|124

[changed_town] -Garbow: missplaced buildings fixed

[changed_town] -Garbow: backyards near the barracks more detailed

[changed_town] -Garbow: some missplaced objects removed

[changed_town] -Garbow: barracks reworked

[changed_town] -Garbow: fence on road removed at 65|87

[changed_town] -Sögel: reworked foliage

[changed_town] -Sögel: some objects reworked

[changed_town] -Niedersalvey: Foliage reworked

[changed_town] -Niedersalvey: some roads smoothed

[changed_town] -Niedersalvey: missplaced objects fixed

[changed_town] -Niedersalvey: some backyards added

[changed_town] -Niedersalvey: some foliage added

[changed_town] -Meschede: Terrainbug fixed

[changed_town] -Meschede: some agricult. roads fixed

[changed_town] -Strelingen: Foliage reworked

[changed_town] -Strelingen: Roadnames added

[changed_town] -village between fahrenbrecht and rhaude (near Trader): completly reworked

[changed_town] -Moosbach: reworked

[changed_town] -Berghoven: reworked

[changed_town] -Großenfelde: complete new build

[changed_town] -Seedorf: reworked

[changed_town] -Seedorf: some missplaced objects fixed

[changed_town] -Calle: complete new build

[changed_town] -Calle: Fence on roads fixed

[changed_town] -Calle: Missplaced Silos fixed

[changed_town] -Calle: trees on road fixed


[added] a new highway junction

[added]  a new Highway to Uhlenbusch

[added] a lot of poles belong the roads

[added] highwayjunction between Arnsberg and Meschede

[added] Higway from Arnsberg to Uhlenbusch and Fahrenbrecht

[added] freeway exit at meschede

[added] freeway exit at fahrenbrecht


[removed] fence in forrest at 105|145

[removed] fence in forrest at 113|149

[removed] poles at diff. positions

[removed] fences in wilderness at 86|107

[removed] folliage on road at 109|107 removed

[removed] single road tile in wildernes removed at 106|178


[new model] rape fields

[new model] corn fields (zea mays)




*****  Version 1.80.09 *****


[fixed]  Road at 086|226 smoothed

[fixed]  Road at 086|228 smoothed

[fixed]  Road at 068|237 smoothed

[fixed]  Road at 068|235 smoothed

[fixed]  Road at 058|233 smoothed

[fixed]  Road at 054|243 smoothed

[fixed]  Trees on Roads at 038|240 fixed

[fixed]  gradient at 076|236 to high, fixed

[fixed]  missing roadtile at 15618|11201 (Buldozer coord.)

[fixed]  missing roadtile at 16015|11425

[fixed]  missing roadtile at 15927|11435

[fixed]  missing roadtile at 14110|10055

[fixed] foliage on road at 14325|9495

[fixed]  gradient at 17668|5275 to high

[fixed]  gradient at 17034|5657 to high

[fixed]  carflipping area at 17002|5700

[fixed]  some roads around the broken dam smoothed

[fixed]  road to the castle near calle reworked and smoothed

[fixed]  some dliffs smothed

[fixed]  some cliffs around the broken dam smoothed

[fixed] some cliffs around the quarry smoothed to prevent leg breaking :)

[fixed]  Landcscape near Calle smoothed

[fixed]  some leg breaking places around Oberdorf

[fixed]  some leg breaking areas near Schüren

[fixed] road to the Oberdorf trader smoothed

[fixed] some bugs fixed (like missplaced walls and so things)


[changed] two roads near Oberdorf more detailed

[changed] road from Oberdorf to Sörgtrop reworked

[changed]  Region around Oberdorf more detailed

[changed] Forrest near Calle (Castle) reworked

[changed] Forrest near Oberdorf reworked

[changed] Region around Schüren more detailed

[changed]  Forrest around Schüren reworked


[changed_town] - Oberdorf: Roadsigns (Mainsign, Stopsign etc.) added

[changed_town] - Oberdorf: Some houses added near Oberdorf

[changed_town] - Oberdorf: industrial yard near firedepartement reworked

[changed_town] - Oberdorf: added a pub on a road near Oberdorf

[changed_town] - Sörgtrop: added a gas station

[changed_town] - Sörgtrop: added a farm6

[changed_town] - Herhagen: objects on Road removed

[changed_town] - Herhagen: missplaced Object fixed

[changed_town] - Herhagen: some missplaced trafficsigns (pathsigns Schüren) deleted.

[changed_town] - Zoo: some Objects fixed

[changed_town] - Sellinghausen: some more foliage added

[changed_town] - Sellinghausen: some more details added

[changed_town] - Schüren: roadnamesigns and other trafficsigns added

[changed_town] - Schüren: added more foliage and details

[changed_town] - Schüren: Petrol pump near railroadbridge removed

[changed_town] - Calle: missplaced Object at 12111|15332 removed

[changed_town] - Castle near Calle: Some more details added


[added] two new aggricultural roads added

[added] more trees and bushes at the roads around Oberdorf

[added] some fields and some willow

[added] some enterable buildings

[added] some buildings near the quarry

[added] a radiotower at the broken dam


[removed]  some fields removed because they let ARMA crash

*** Older changelogs can be found here: http://www.dayz-sauerland.com/changelog.html
Edited by falconsan
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You can made your own traders as you want. Only the Tradercitys will be implemented into the map, not the traders,

If you make your own traders or tradercitys, the buildin tradercities will be shown like an abandoned camp.




I stil lthink its more suited for a mission.sqf file to be honest, but might as well have some starter bases on the map :)

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  • 3 weeks later...



this night, i will finish the groundtexture and some bugs. Then i will upload the update. 



My roads vs the original chernarusroads:




I think, its a reasonable compromise.


And here some impressions of the two new roads, the "Bundesstrasse 55" along the lake and the serpentineroad thru the mountains.



B55, Pic01



B55, Pic02


serpentine1.jpgThru the mountains.





More about the Update coming soon.


@vbawol: I think i will finish the Update at this night max tuesday night and send you the downloadlink.



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The Mapupdate will defenitly send today to the EpochDevs so that they can implement it to the next update.


Here two pictures of the new groundtexture.






The agricultural roads will now be shown at the ground and some fields have  diffrent colours and styles.


This two Screenshots are made in a Warfaremission of ARMA II OA but its the same map as in DAY-Z.



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Looking good Falconsan! 1.0.5 is the next planned major version.  We are likely a few weeks out on finalizing it so you have some time before the next release. I will send you a message a few days before we are ready to release 1.0.5 if I have not already heard from you by then.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

After long waiting time (i am so sorry for that),  i will give you some Updates.


 I am still working on the Zoo. Some selfmade models will let binpbo.exe crash while binarize the map.

 I have no idea why. I have removed this models for rework to let binpbo.exe make a biniarized map.


I must rework some roadsigns to show shadows property. If this done, i will release an update with the  zoo (WIP). I will release the other Cages, Vivariums and Zoo / Themepark related things as an hotfix later.


If my weak PC (Pentium IV 1.6 GHz Single Core) will allow this, i will release the update next saturday night (european time) and send it to Vbawol.




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After long waiting time (i am so sorry for that),  i will give you some Updates.


 I am still working on the Zoo. Some selfmade models will let binpbo.exe crash while binarize the map.

 I have no idea why. I have removed this models for rework to let binpbo.exe make a biniarized map.


I must rework some roadsigns to show shadows property. If this done, i will release an update with the  zoo (WIP). I will release the other Cages, Vivariums and Zoo / Themepark related things as an hotfix later.


If my weak PC (Pentium IV 1.6 GHz Single Core) will allow this, i will release the update next saturday night (european time) and send it to Vbawol.




Why don't you grab a free VPS that has more power to do this?

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Why don't you grab a free VPS that has more power to do this?


simple: The Sourcemap has round about 2 Gigs, Upload with 440 kb/sec need aprox 8 - 10 hours so that a free VPS has no effect to safe time. ;-) 


Next, i have a new problem: BinPBo wont binarize my map after inserting some Trees and bushes from the original Plants2.pbo and trees.pbo and i dont know why. I am trying to find a solution to fix that. 


I am sorry for that bad news, This error occurs since Windows 7 Update. I will install on an Pentium III Server an Windows XP System with the Map Source. On this System i will try to binarize the map. 



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  • 2 weeks later...



here a little info:


Upload aborted: Providerfailure.  << i hate my Provider >>


I will restart the upload at 7:00 European time because at 5:00 between 6:00 o'clock is 24hrs internet disconnection by provider


Long waiting time? Yes! but don't worry. take an ice.. :)









btw: is a camouflaged trailer for the traders a good idea? If so, i can make some of them :)

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Upload finished and a message was send to vbawol.


If you want to have a look into the new version to testing in the ARMA II Buildineditor try this.


Download this File:



and copy the whole directory @dayzSauerland from the Rarfile to:


<your drive>\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2


copy from <yourdrive>\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@DayZ_Epoch the following files to @dayzSauerland:







now, start your ARMA II and go to extensions. Choose @dayZSauerland as active/enabled.


restart ARMA II and go to singleplayer ---> Editor ----> @dayZSauerland.


place a Unit -> Men -> US where you want at the map and choose preview. 


have fun.




this should be work for testing.

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