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Plot pole tips?


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Plot pole pro-tip. Don't die because then it loses half of it's functions. 

If you can't tuck a plot pole into your base somewhere and the server you are on does not require maintenance then you can bury it in something like a H-Barrier. now they have to basically destroy/remove the barrier before they can even start to work on the plot pole. A Firebarrel is a good way to hide it in plain sight. Without maintenance nearly any bulky buildable can be used to hide it or you could put it into a wall of an existing structure. 

When a server requires maintenance then you need to consider your location a bit more. You still want to access it, but you don't want it out in the open where anyone can get to it nor do you want it visible even behind a locked door in case they find a way in. Here are a few of the things I have done in those cases.

  • While building a H-Barrier wall place one barrier on each side of it. Make sure that on the outer part of the wall the corners touch, but on the inner part of the wall there is a slight gap so that you can just barely see and access the plot pole.
  • If building in the woods, say a more hidden base in the trees or if you have one tree in a field you want to build around. Put your plot pole in the tree. When you need to access it, cut the tree down. 
  • Building in a castle. Find one of the Arrow slits along the stairs, one that should have an uninteresting view. Put the plot pole into the window so that only a tiny portion of it shows in a corner, just enough to access. 
  • Probably the most expensive option, but the safest, excuse the pun, is to use an empty safe to cover up your plot pole. When you need access you pack the safe then when done put it back up and write the new combination down. The issue is you really can't store anything in the safe.​

I've even seen bases where people have built an extra wall with a door and tucked the plot pole between the two walls accessible through the door. It just adds another layer for people to go through but it slows them down for sure.

Strategies for taking down other's plot poles I couldn't tell you. Typically the only pole I take down is MINE once I die. Carry lots of Crowbars if you are hunting Plot Poles. Tool Kits wouldn't hurt either. 

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