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Issues with Mission System and DZAI, crates despawning

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I'm having an issue with the Mission System and DZAI on my server. The loot crates seems to be despawning after a certain amount of time. When I initially set everything up, I was teleporting to missions to check the loot crates and make sure everything was spawning correctly, and it was. However, i've seen now and heard of people finishing a mission only to not have any crates in the appropriate area by the time they've cleared it.


Here's an example of how the crates are being called on my server:

_crate4 = createVehicle ["USVehicleBox",_coords,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
[_crate4] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\DayzMissions\misc\fillBoxesRanWep.sqf";
_crate4 call DZAI_protectObject;



My server came with Missions preinstalled, and I have found issues in the past with some of their work. I followed the Mission install readme and some of the lines that readme says to create are not in the appropriate files, but i'm not 100% sure how to implement them because i'm using DZAI. Does the fact that DZAI uses this line:


call DZAI_protectObject;


instead of this line:


setVariable ["Mission",1,true];


Change what I need to do make sure things don't respawn?


Is anyone have better success with this?




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