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HFBServers Question



Hi was just wondering if anyone here had any feedback regarding HFB Servers in regard to both hosting Epoch & Teamspeak.


We're considering expanding our servers and I quite like the look of these guys but Im not sure if/how they support Epoch and how reliable their servers are. 


Do they offer a pre-configured Epoch install or is it upto you to get and install the Epoch files yourself?  ADo they suffer any known issues? Do they suffer from DDoS attacks?



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2 answers to this question

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I use them,


They already have epoch available in their update manager. The only thing you have to do is make sure to run the sql updates when the new patches come out.

I have a free 5man TS from them and never seen any downtime with it.


Been using them only for 2 months, but they seem pretty good and are cheaper than most.

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