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Vehicles. Removed permanently?


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My question is this. I recently converted my server over to a DayZ Epoch server, and we were having alot of fun playing on it, but upon coming to this website to get some tips, I noticed the Custom Chernarus Server Pack. I went ahead and installed it, no problems, logged in, had some fun with the AI, but before long I noticed that there were no vehicles anymore. I checked the admin map and sure enough, they were there. I continued searching the known locations of these vehicles but still nothing in-game. So I came up with the bright idea of deleting every vehicle via the DayZ.st admin map, hoping they would just respawn next time over. Now I have no vehicles at all, and despite numerous restarts aswell as setting my server.pbo and mission.pbo back to default, I am still seeing no vehicles at all. Anyone have any ideas as to what happened when I deleted them, and more importantly, how I get them back? :)




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I don't know where you're hosted, but on my server at DayZ.st the admin map is useless for keeping track of vehicles.  If you really want to be sure there are not vehicles spawning I would check your database.  They don't spawn in set locations like the admin map shows, they spawn dynamically, pretty much anywhere near a road.

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I don't know where you're hosted, but on my server at DayZ.st the admin map is useless for keeping track of vehicles.  If you really want to be sure there are not vehicles spawning I would check your database.  They don't spawn in set locations like the admin map shows, they spawn dynamically, pretty much anywhere near a road.



This is correct. The Dayz.st. admin panel doesnt have any baring on the Dynamic spawned vehicles in the map. More to do with DayZ.st than the mod though. 

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The DayZ.ST admin map is very different then the admin map for other Dayz maps/mods. If you've hosted a different map/mod before you may have noticed that you can't right click and add a vehicle or vehicle spawn like you could with others. You also can't edit starting gear in the loadout config like you could with other mods. I'm pretty sure this has to do with the way Epoch handles placed objects and vehicles all in 1 DB table (object_data) where as most other mods have seperate table entries for vehicles, tents, etc. and how default gear is changed through adding entries to the init in your mission files.


At any rate, my solution would be to first check your server RPT for any errors through a FTP file. You could just CTRL+F for things like 'error' and 'warning' and they could give you at least some idea of where to start. Check your object_data table in the database and make sure that there are vehicle entries showing there. Maybe try copying the db location of a vehicle in the DB and  moving yourself there to see if there are any actually appearing in game.


If that fails, try checking your dynamic_vehicle.sqf in your mission folder and make sure that you have a decent number of vehicles set to spawn. Finally, check "MaxVehicleLimit = __" in the init of your mission folder and make sure that is set to a decent number. If it's something ridiculously high could also try taking that number down and going back up incrementally. Post your results.

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Thanks for the great responses. Much more help than is usually offered on other DayZ mod forums.


You guys were quite right about the DayZ.st map, it is pretty useless when it comes to Epoch. It is okay for keeping track of players, and kitting them out if need be, but thats about it. The reason I thought the vehicles had disappeared was because me and my clan had a few parked up in our secret stash location, and they suddenly disappeared once I added the custom mods pack. I have looked in the database and there are definitely vehicles spawning, and I have come across many since then, including the MV22, so very impressed. The vehicles are just taking time to spawn, and the AI are having fun blowing them up too, so there aren't as many as there once was, but it seems to add to the immersion, so I can't complain. Overall very happy with that custom mod pack.


Another quick question. Anyone manage to get Phoenix Mods Admin Tools working with Epoch Chernarus?

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