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DZE_BuildingLimit weirdness



Hi all,


with the update to we get regular complaints from players that cannot replace destroyed parts of their bases because they are told 'too many objects within xxx m'.


We do know about DZE_BuildingLimit and our main admin has set this to 400 for a long time now.


Hearing the player's complaints he has repeatedly tried to raise DZE_BuildingLimit even more to allow the players to repair their bases.


Yes, it may be remotely possible, that he has made an error trying to adjust this value after the 3.1 update four times in a row, but it seems unlikely.


So, does anyone else have this problem: with you could add to your base but with you cannot replace destroyed items?



BTW: on a related note: it would be great if for the placement of plot poles the limit would not be checked.

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