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How do I add Sarge AI to Fortify and Protect a Custom Camp?



I built a small camp in the editor and uploaded it to my server. I want to ad more options for players to fight for better loots so I tweaked the AI to make them more accurate and harder overall. What I need help with is adding a group of bandits to fortify and protect my camp at this location [191,[1426.05,12177.4,0.001]]. I can sort of understand the code and when i see a section I can usually edit it to my liking but I can't write it yet. I found the section i need to add the extra lines but not sure what to type in. Anyone have a suggestion on how I can set this up?

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Read the Manual? 

Come on, ~I~ could get Sarge AI groups to protect a given area. You don't need to write it. Check out the area for Static Spawns and everything should be fairly obvious in that area. You edit one section which defines the shape and center point the Static AI will be in and then edit another one to define what that patrol consists of and it's behaviour. 

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Yeah I read the manal, the wiki and other peoples how to do's. Most of the posts are about custom even missions for AI.


But I figured it out after some time anyway.


Oh by the way not everyone reads and writes code at the same level. I did state that in my post...

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Yeah I read the manal, the wiki and other peoples how to do's. Most of the posts are about custom even missions for AI.


But I figured it out after some time anyway.


Oh by the way not everyone reads and writes code at the same level. I did state that in my post...


Hmmmmm... maybe I should have added that as a blind newbie to owning a server I was able to figure it out and had never looked once at ARMA cold prior to that? No coding background either. Last 'coding' I did was on a MUSH/MUX in the 90's. ;)

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