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Where are the server files actually suppose to be installed on dedicated linux server



I've gotten steamcmd and arma 3 server installed on the server, and im pretty sure redis is installed now. Server is running cent os 7.2. everything done via ssh


I have installed the arma 3 client @epoch into the arma 3 server directory /home/epoch/arma3/@epoch


The insall instructions in the server readme are pretty useless as they are for windows, and the video I watched seemed a bit outdated. There seems to be no documentation in the server tar

my current set of files in my temp folder /home/epoch/server

build.txt   CREDITS.md  README.md       Server_Install_Pack  Tools
Changelogs  LICENSE.md  Repair_man.paa  Sources


Basically wondering where the heck everything goes, and basically where to go from here after I have installed the server files to the correct location. I've been searching around for a few hours, but nothing I've found has addressed my question.


Any help would be appreciated. My linux skills are very low, so please try and keep it simple.

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