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AI health system For DZMS



Its possible to make Health system like DZAI bots for DZMS ?

i found it in DZAI Config File but when i put it in DZMS config its didnt works

//Enhanced AI health system setting.
//If enabled, AI units will use DayZ's 12,000 blood system, can be knocked unconscious and Tasered, and can self-bloodbag/morphine. If disabled, AI units will use default Arma 2 damage handling. (Default: true)
DZAI_useHealthSystem = true;

//Minimum and maximum AI blood level to spawn each unit with. Each individual unit will have a randomized blood level within this range. Upper limit: 12000 blood (Default: [10000,12000])
//Note: No effect if DZAI_useHealthSystem is false
DZAI_unitBloodLevel = [10000,12000];


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