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Ways to stop people glitching into bases


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 the point of this post is not to call out my server, or the Admin. Though I do feel this is an exploit and should be corrected.


My group spent way to much time building our base from scratch over the past few weeks. Granted its 100% wood, its still alot of time and effort put in. Server has zero decay or base destruction so wood serves its purpose.


2 days ago we logged in to find our base had been raided. Everything was locked, Everything was sealed. We know this for sure. Our losses arent really a problem as we had enough stuff locked up that we can move on without issue.


My issue is, I asked how someone could get in. I got a reply from a member of the clan that runs the server saying that people can park next to the walls, glitch in, grab what ever, and do the same thing to get out.


Is there a way to prevent this? would metal panels lining the inside of the walls solve it? Would putting the metal panels IN the wood walls solve it?



IF there is no way to fix this, Then Ill have to find a way to have our Admin address it. Then its up to them.




Now. With all that being said. IF the results arnt what we are looking for im considering my own server. I have zero experience with this sort of thing but it seems pretty cool with all the things possible. Ive seen a bunch of posts on how to's so I know help is out there. Where should I buy from that provides the best service to dumbies like me?

     The place thats easiest to have no decay, differnt events, and a good number of vehicles. simple spawn in too.. maybe..


Any help with this would be awesome. Any Admin that would be up for 3 new players on their server, shoot me a line and maybe we can figure something out!


Thanks in advance!




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A double wall setup to trap the glitchers works, leave a space for a player to stand between 2 walls and they will die there.  Wood is not hard to kill with a lmg but the explosion that follows will kill anyone close to it.


No base can be 100% secure but you can take steps to mark it harder for them.   Buy a safe or 2, locked vehicles work to a point unless they just get destroyed.  Think of insuring yourself, have cash reserves to replace anything that gets killed or lost  .


One of the cooler ideas I have seen is where a guy places a wood shack almost underground with just a bit of roof sticking out to access gear menu. match the hill shape to the roof slope and you have a cheap 100 slot underground storage locker :}

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The walls have small gaps around where windows are supposed to go. If you do it just right you can access the scroll menu for a vehicle parked close enough to the wall by aiming down sights and looking through the tiny gap.


I used to have a storage shed completely encapsulated inside walls in the center of my base and no one knew it was there. I would have to look through the small gap at the bottom of the window panel to access the contents of the shed.


The best success I've had at preventing this is making it impossible for anyone to get a vehicle close enough to these gaps, or any other gap to be able to access the vehicle menus through them.


Directly below the window openings put 2 tank traps side by side, and 1 tank trap where 2 walls meet on the outside of your base. You can cut down the number of tank traps needed by overlapping the ends of the walls slightly.


This way someone can still glitch into the base through a wall, but once inside there is no way for them to leave unless they knock out a wall.


Also you could try building an elevated base with a stair case leading to the door, and a ramp for vehicles with a wall on either side of the ramp so they cant turn the vehicle and point a door at the walls. That way they cant use the get out of vehicle glitch to warp through the walls. I haven't tested this with the armed vodniks though, and people will jump out from the rear of that vehicle.


The double wall strategy also works.


It all depends on how much resources you are willing to put into the solution, and whether or not you are willing to completely redesign your base.

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Admining a server can be alot of work if u never done it before...

Learning to understand the code so easier for u to make changes everytime there is a new version of epoch.


Also tryin to build up a playerbase can be a pain.

New epoch version should hopefully have code to stop people glitching through walls...





So u got afew choices really of what todo


Wait till new version of epoch with code

Find a server running custom code to stop people glitching through walls

Use epoch modular buildings to stop people glitching through walls


Or host your own server + learn to code / admin / spot hackers etc...


Always welcome to jump onto my server & check things out..

Custom AI + Missions + Code to stop people wall glitching...

Taviana Map

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