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Init help =)


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I can not figure this out lol, I am basically just randomly putting them in there because i dont really know what they mean. I had it working fine till i wanted to add a headless client, which has the same code. 

[] execVM "trader\init.sqf";
[] execVM "trader\HALV_takegive_crypto_init.sqf";
[] execVM "trader\resetvehicleammo.sqf";
[]execVm "HC\Init.sqf";
[] execVM "R3F_LOG\init.sqf"
[] execVM "wai\remote.sqf";

if (!hasInterface and !isServer) then {
execVm "HC\Init.sqf";



"GlobalHint" addPublicVariableEventHandler
private ["_GHint"];
_GHint = _this select 1;
hint parseText format["%1", _GHint];

call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "cmEarplugs\config.sqf";

This is for the status bar []execVM "addons\Status_Bar\init_statusBar.sqf"; it originally work before i put that part in there if (!hasInterface and !isServer) then {, had this orginally if (!hasInterface  then {,[]execVM "addons\Status_Bar\init_statusBar.sqf


Thanks for any help=) 

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