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Vehicle clean up?



Hi folks, really enjoying the mod so far but just wondered if the dynamic vehicles rana auto clean up script or something? Just theres a few vehicles been stripped and abandoned across the map and they dont seem to be deleted. I dont seem to have any control over the positioning of vehicles via the admin panel (dayz.st) any more either so I cant manually delete them.


Am I meant to run some kind of manual SQL command or something? 

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In your main DB page. (depending on what SQL client you use) but for example, if you use DayZ.ST, open your DB and click your bliss instance (bliss__***)


At the top you should see tabs like structure, SQL, and querey. You want SQL. Paste the following code into the text entry box

CREATE EVENT removeDamagedVehicles
    COMMENT 'Removes damaged vehicles'
      DELETE FROM dayz_epoch.object_data WHERE Damage = 1

The info on the epoch website is correct, but it also doesn't take into account that SQL queries are case sensitive and not everyone has a dedicated box running their server. You want to change "dayz_epoch" on the bottom line to whatever the DB name is from above (again, if renting a server it will be something like "bliss__***"). Also make sure that you are entering "object_data" correctly into the SQL query. It should match your DB "object_data" exactly or it will return error messages. It will probably be "Object_DATA" but confirm to be safe. After verifying, hit GO and you should see a green message box if successful.

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