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Addon Help for Public Server


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it's the same thing, just that FTP is used for file transfer.

Sometimes rented servers uses different folder names or file paths (still non-essential), but other than that idea is exactly the same.

Learn to set up local test server first, then transfer your files (and skill) over to a rented one, it'll be a breeze.

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I'm trying to add some new addons to my server. I found everything about adding things to a private server, but how do I get them into a rented server? 




Much appreciated.


usually there are 2 options, the first is using the folder system given inside your control panel (you will understand what that is once you rent a server) and the other is, like raymix said, FTP (use Filezilla) which  is probably the best idea, it gives you the same enviornment as your pc folder system, might make it more comfortable using it as someone new to doing this.


Using a hosted server there is usually a info script which when executed should show all connection info to connect via FTP (in Filezilla or if you want any other similar software)


Once you got the connection running you can use the normal navigating through the folders to find the right files the tutorials of custom scripts explain..


If you need help with those, just post it in a help thread or reply under the tutorial, people are mostly ready to help..


I would also recommend notepad and you should be ready to go, just mess around and scrap when it doesnt work untill you get the idea..


Once your more fluent with c++,php etc. and reading the Logs (very important) you can use the log to find the direct error that makes your script not work, which then is a trial and error procedure.


it will take time, but everyone started somewhere, so no worries!


Hope this helped!  :D

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