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The [Mf] misfits are recruiting for dayz standalone


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Misfitsdayz.com | Current Recruitment Status: Open | Apply On Our Website Now!

| Clan wide point system, points are earned by going on group runs and group performance. |

| An excellent officer team and staff with over 5000 DayZ Standalone hours combined. |

| Clan wide statistic system to keep track of your in game performance. |

| Training sessions and events to help sharpen member skills. |

| MuliNational Membership! |


Misfits DayZ Standalone Server




Misfits TeamSpeak Channel




Misfits Promotional Video





Basic Information About Misfits


Misfits DayZ Standalone clan is now looking for good DayZ Standalone players who exhibit Excellent teamwork skills, great communication, maturity, and motivated players looking for a long term home in the DayZ Community. Misfits is a Semi-casual (more towards serious) gaming team that has been around since DayZ Standalone hit the market, and are improving each and every day! Misfits prides itself in having the most dedicated, mature and loyal members!


Misfits Member Expectations


All members must have a working Microphone, no feedback or static please.


All members must be able to show good map knowledge and playing abilities.


All members must have over 100 DayZ Standalone hours.


No VAC bans allowed, anyone with a VAC ban will be instantly denied.


Clan event nights are three times a week, members must attend one a week or four a month.


Ranks Within Misfits




Contact Us!

[Feel Free To Comment On Our Page Or Message One Of These Members]




MrMike ~ Steam ID


[Assistant Leader]


GingerNinja ~ Steam ID


[Clan Rule Enforcement Officer]


SgtLarson ~ Steam ID


[Head Human Resources Officer]


Slim Pickens ~ Steam ID


[Head Standalone Officer]


SmokeAToke ~ Steam ID


[Human Resources Members]


DarkBishop ~ Steam ID

Hunter ~ Steam ID

Suno ~ Steam ID

Jack ~ Steam ID

Marcello ~ Steam ID

Magestic ~ Steam ID

Jonathan ~ Steam ID

Z28 ~ Steam ID

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