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Inventory in safe gets wiped on restarts



Ever since I installed Plot4life and Vectors I get this error below.  Basically it causes the inventory in the server safes to get wiped on restart.


Error in expression <{
_object setVariable ["WeaponCargo", (_intentory select 0),true];
_object setV>
Error position: <_intentory select 0),true];
_object setV>
Error Undefined variable in expression: _intentory
File Custom\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 259
If anyone has any ideas on what would be causing this, I would greatly appreciate it.
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@EIDubya.  First of all thanks for responding.  I fixed this error based off of your input.  


For the record I did search the forums trying to figure this out.  It should have been plain for me to see, and I feel stupid for not seeing it myself.  I don't post on these forums unless I am at a point of spending more than several days being stuck on something.    


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For future reference, when you have an error, come here and search for the error. More often than not, someone else has had the same issue. If you don't get any joy that way, google the exact error and see where that leads you. If both of those yield no results, THEN come here and start a thread. I guarantee, the "intentory/inventory" thing has been asked and answered a thousand times and it's kinda getting old :)

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