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Plot Pole and Building Times


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Hey Guys,


only 2 short questions.


1. It is possible to change the 30m Plot Pole. Is it possible to bind the Plot on the Player GUID or ID? Atm it seems it is Character Binded, but when someone die he cant use the Plot anymore. So i will change it, that the Plot is binded with the GUID. Anyone know how to do?


2. It is possible to change the Building Time / Steps from the Buildings? I mean maybe change from 10 Steps down to 3 Steps?


Thank you all very much for your help?





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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Yeah, it would be possible. But this will mean that you have to change the whole dayz_code from epoch. Theres already a solution for Basebuilding 1.2, but not for epoch.


2. Yes, you could. Just take the file "actions\player_build.sqf" from your dayz_code, put it into your "dayz_private_1.epoch.mapname", initialize it and you will find a _limit = 5;

(It is at line 190).


You could add something like:

if(dayz_characterID == 1337) then {
_limit = 1;

right after

		if(isNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "constructioncount")) then {
			_limit = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "constructioncount");

I never tested this, but it would be possible.



Sorry, my fault.


I think you meant to change the Steps for some building.


This might be possible, too.

I haven't found the config part for this. I will post here if i do so.

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