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How would I?



The following is from Darth_Rogue's random loot crate spawn script. People have asked how we would get this script to spawn these loot boxes randomly across the map out of a choice of several different locations. I would assumer it would be in done in this part of this script? 


_fn_Run = {
private ["_cratePos","_lootType","_counter"];
_counter = 1;
// spawn and load a crate for each location in _lootBoxes
_cratePos = _x select 0;  // get crate position
_lootType= _x select 1;
[_cratePos, _lootType] call _fn_spawnCrate;
if (_smokeNearCrate) then
[_cratePos] call _fn_smokeAtCrate;
diag_log format["crateLoot spawning crate %1",_counter];
_counter = _counter + 1;
} forEach _lootBoxes;
How would you edit this function so it will only call a random set of classes for the crate positions? limited to whatever number you set it to? For example you have a class set of 50 and only want 25 loot crates to spawn on the map and have the function call these loot crate locations randomly?
Hopefully someone can help me/that thread out by comenting on here.
Full credit goes to Darth for this script and the people who helped him put it all together. I am just appealing on the scripting help section so we can get this working in these particular way =D
Thanks guys =D
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