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Logan Slick

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totally agreed with this idea, increasing the base costs would significantly stop players to build unused bases. hopefully an admin will consider this idea to make it possible to change the maintain costs via a simple cfg entry :)

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Always a good idea to put good suggestions in the Github. 


To Suggest Changes, or to Report Bugs: 


1. Go to https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/issues

2. Review the Open list to make sure your suggestion or Bug is not already existing. 

3. If not existing, Open a new Issue. 

4. If it is a suggestion, put "[suggestion]" in the beginning of your Issue Title, if it is a bug, put "[bUG]". 

5. Provide as much details as you can for the suggestion, including any supporting facts; or if Bug, provide reproduction steps to show how to achieve the bug (if possible), including screenshot/video link etc. 


This is the best way to get things going on tweaks or suggestion for things, as it might not be noticed among the hundreds of posts here each day. :) 

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