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Public Variables



Hello again,


While figuring the addactions i found out a way to give people with the decent GUID to get an addaction tru the Epoch.Atlis mission.



init.sqf //Mission pbo

event = false;
publicVariable "event";
waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};
	if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["MY ID"]) then {
	systemChat "Adding event";
	removeAllActions player;   
	waitUntil {!isNull player};
	while {true} do {
	   waitUntil {sleep 1.5; alive player};
		player addaction ["Start Event", "start.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];

		waitUntil {sleep 1.5; !alive player};

it calls another script in the altis.mission

wich basicly sets a public variable to true,


start.sqf //mission pbo

systemChat "Starting event";
event = true;
publicVariable "event";

Then in my @epochHive

it should see this if im not wrong thats its set to True

and run this

if (isServer) then {	

if (event)then { 

[] execVM "x\addons\custom\serverside\test.sqf";	


This file is called test.sqf

and i got an init.sqf calling this file in the addon.


Now my question is


When i set 

event = false;
publicVariable "event";

to true at the start of the server it runs the code in @epochHive

but when i try to set it to true with the addaction running a script setting it true it doesnt seem to work.


Im probably just missing something small i guess. I hope you guys understand what i mean otherwise ask! ill try to explain it better haha. 


Only yesterday i learned about AddpublicEventHandelers and Public variables so its still a bit fresh


greetz FlyX




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3 answers to this question

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Your server side script in epochHive only runs once when the server starts, so it will only run or not run based on whatever you have "event=" set to in the mission init.sqf since init.sqf is loaded by both the server and client. Anything else you do with "event" after that doesn't matter because the script is no longer running.

To use public variables you need an addPublicVariableEventHandler on the server (or clients depending on where you want it to go off) and use publicVariableServer, it will only send the variable to the server, publicVariable will send the variable to everyone.

My suggestions, remove 

event = false;

publicVariable "event";

from your mission init.sqf


In your start.sqf

systemChat "Starting event";
event = true;
publicVariableServer "event";

In your @epochHive script:

"event" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
	[] execVM "x\addons\custom\serverside\test.sqf";

(You don't need to use isServer on @epochHive scripts, they only run on the server)

This way, when your addaction runs start.sqf, "event" will be sent to the server and the server will then run [] execVM "x\addons\custom\serverside\test.sqf";

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Your server side script in epochHive only runs once when the server starts, so it will only run or not run based on whatever you have "event=" set to in the mission init.sqf since init.sqf is loaded by both the server and client. Anything else you do with "event" after that doesn't matter because the script is no longer running.

To use public variables you need an addPublicVariableEventHandler on the server (or clients depending on where you want it to go off) and use publicVariableServer, it will only send the variable to the server, publicVariable will send the variable to everyone.

My suggestions, remove 

event = false;

publicVariable "event";

from your mission init.sqf


In your start.sqf

systemChat "Starting event";
event = true;
publicVariableServer "event";

In your @epochHive script:

"event" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
	[] execVM "x\addons\custom\serverside\test.sqf";

(You don't need to use isServer on @epochHive scripts, they only run on the server)

This way, when your addaction runs start.sqf, "event" will be sent to the server and the server will then run [] execVM "x\addons\custom\serverside\test.sqf";

Thank you sir! gonna test this right now. And also thanks for the isServer no need. Didnt know that mainly did it because well just to be sure hehe

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