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WAI Missions not spawning loot (Not Completing).


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Hey Guys, Have not needed to post on these forums in a while as my server was running smooth. But I decided to move hosting to GTXgaming. Now I installed Dayz Overpoch Chernarus and i installed DZMS and WAI. I disabled DZMS but enabled WAI and the missions spawn etc but when I shoot all the AI and go to the vehicle, the mission doesn't end and stays pinned on the map? Also none of the AI bodies have guns on them only bags. I have double checked the config.sqf and it specifies the bodies will have loot after they are killed. Im running Dayz Overpoch and I have tried both 2.1.4 and 2.2.0 v3 beta (with the locked vehicles etc). Any help would be muchly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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