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[Release] Taxi script v0.2


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I moved the }; from line 2107 to 2154 and it works now, the Taxi's arrive but When I get in nothing else happens, I can get in the driver seat and drive away. I saw on the previous page there are people with the same problem, I updated my scripts.txt with the fixes there and its still the same

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Not epoch AH compatible, why?

When I started with this script using epoch AH I got a lot of autoban kicks and publicvariable filters i couldnt change so I decided it was not worth the time needed to make it work with that AH. So for now it will only work with the alternative AH or no AH at all. 

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Hi no errors but no menu for taxi call ? Whot wrong ? 


// taxi
[] execVM "Taxis\player_cab.sqf";


[] execVM "scripts\nibbleadmin\nibbleadmin_init.sqf";


"NibbleHint" addPublicVariableEventHandler { private "_sound";
_sound = (_this select 1) select 0;
case 0:{playSound "UAV_05"}; //Mission started
case 1:{playSound "UAV_01"}; //admin stopped mission
case 2:{playsound "UAV_03"}; //Admin dead
hint parseText format["%1", (_this select 1) select 1]



class CfgNotifications

class cabtext
title = "Nibble Taxis";
iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa";
color[] = {0.8,0.8,0,1};
description = "%1";
duration = 5;
priority = 0;



class Item88

side = "CIV";
class Vehicles
items = 1;
class Item0
position[] = {23604.307,3.19,17999.313};
azimut = 130.016;
special = "NONE";
id = 88;
side = "CIV";
vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH";
player = "PLAY CDG";
leader = 1;
skill = 0.6;
class Item89
side = "CIV";
class Vehicles
items = 1;
class Item0
position[] = {23604.158,3.19,18001.71};
azimut = 130.016;
special = "NONE";
id = 89;
side = "CIV";
vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH";
player = "PLAY CDG";
leader = 1;
skill = 0.6;
class Item90
side = "CIV";
class Vehicles
items = 1;
class Item0
position[] = {23597.924,3.19,17996.32};
azimut = 130.016;
special = "NONE";
id = 90;
side = "CIV";
vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH";
player = "PLAY CDG";
leader = 1;
skill = 0.6;
class Item91
side = "CIV";
class Vehicles
items = 1;
class Item0
position[] = {23601.17,3.19,17996.34};
azimut = 130.016;
special = "NONE";
id = 91;
side = "CIV";
vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH";
player = "PLAY CDG";
leader = 1;
skill = 0.6;
class Item92
side = "CIV";
class Vehicles
items = 1;
class Item0
position[] = {23603.838,3.19,17997.523};
azimut = 130.016;
special = "NONE";
id = 92;
side = "CIV";
vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH";
player = "PLAY CDG";
leader = 1;
skill = 0.6;
class Item93
side = "CIV";
class Vehicles
items = 1;
class Item0
position[] = {23596.94,3.19,17996.71};
azimut = 130.016;
special = "NONE";
id = 93;
side = "CIV";
vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH";
player = "PLAY CDG";
leader = 1;
skill = 0.6;
class Item94
side = "CIV";
class Vehicles
items = 1;
class Item0
position[] = {23605.55,3.19,17999.484};
azimut = 130.016;
special = "NONE";
id = 94;
side = "CIV";
vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH";
player = "PLAY CDG";
leader = 1;
skill = 0.6;
class Item95
side = "CIV";
class Vehicles
items = 1;
class Item0
position[] = {23601.803,3.19,17997.871};
azimut = 130.016;
special = "NONE";
id = 95;
side = "CIV";
vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH";
player = "PLAY CDG";
leader = 1;
skill = 0.6;
class Item96
side = "CIV";
class Vehicles
items = 1;
class Item0
position[] = {23603.604,3.19,18000.102};
azimut = 130.016;
special = "NONE";
id = 96;
side = "CIV";
vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH";
player = "PLAY CDG";
leader = 1;
skill = 0.6;
class Item97
side = "CIV";
class Vehicles
items = 1;
class Item0
position[] = {23602.979,3.19,17998.066};
azimut = 130.016;
special = "NONE";
id = 97;
side = "CIV";
vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH";
player = "PLAY CDG";
leader = 1;
skill = 0.6;
class Item98
side = "CIV";
class Vehicles
items = 1;
class Item0
position[] = {23600.6,3.19,17997.535};
azimut = 130.016;
special = "NONE";
id = 98;
side = "CIV";
vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH";
player = "PLAY CDG";
leader = 1;
skill = 0.6;
class Item99
side = "CIV";
class Vehicles
items = 1;
class Item0
position[] = {23605.094,3.19,17998.143};
azimut = 130.016;
special = "NONE";
id = 99;
side = "CIV";
vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH";
player = "PLAY CDG";
leader = 1;
skill = 0.6;
class Markers
items = 3;
class Item0
position[] = {14939.934,0.053499073,15083.272};
name = "center";
type = "Empty";
class Item1
position[] = {23600.639,3.19,18000.72};
name = "respawn_east";
type = "Empty";
class Item2
position[] = {23600.611,3.19,18000.768};
name = "respawn_west";
type = "Empty";
class Sensors {
items = 3;

class Item0
position[] = {13326.5,0.16426,14515.2}; //position of trader 1
activationBy = "ANY";
repeating = 1;
interruptable = 1;
age = "UNKNOWN";
expCond = "(player distance trader1) < 40;";
expActiv= "[]execVM ""Taxis\init_cab1.sqf"";";
expDesactiv = "player removeAction addcab;";
class Effects{};

class Item1
position[] = {18451.9,0.00143814,14278.1}; //position of trader 2
activationBy = "ANY";
repeating = 1;
interruptable = 1;
age = "UNKNOWN";
expCond = "(player distance trader2) < 40;";
expActiv= "[]execVM ""Taxis\init_cab2.sqf"";";
expDesactiv = "player removeAction addcab;";
class Effects{};
class Item2

position[] = {6192.46,0.00154114,16834}; //position of trader 3
activationBy = "ANY";
repeating = 1;
interruptable = 1;
age = "UNKNOWN";
expCond = "(player distance trader3) < 40;";
expActiv= "[]execVM ""Taxis\init_cab3.sqf"";";
expDesactiv = "player removeAction addcab;";
class Effects{};
class Intro
addOns[] = {"a3_map_altis"};
addOnsAuto[] = {"a3_map_altis"};
randomSeed = 13802307;
class Intel
timeOfChanges = 1800.0002;
startWeather = 0.3;
startWind = 0.1;
startWaves = 0.1;
forecastWeather = 0.3;
forecastWind = 0.1;
forecastWaves = 0.1;
forecastLightnings = 0.1;
year = 2035;
month = 6;
day = 24;
hour = 12;
minute = 0;
startFogDecay = 0.013;
forecastFogDecay = 0.013;
class OutroWin
addOns[] = {"a3_map_altis"};
addOnsAuto[] = {"a3_map_altis"};
randomSeed = 4712975;
class Intel
timeOfChanges = 1800.0002;
startWeather = 0.3;
startWind = 0.1;
startWaves = 0.1;
forecastWeather = 0.3;
forecastWind = 0.1;
forecastWaves = 0.1;
forecastLightnings = 0.1;
year = 2035;
month = 6;
day = 24;
hour = 12;
minute = 0;
startFogDecay = 0.013;
forecastFogDecay = 0.013;
class OutroLoose
addOns[] = {"a3_map_altis"};
addOnsAuto[] = {"a3_map_altis"};
randomSeed = 10755213;
class Intel
timeOfChanges = 1800.0002;
startWeather = 0.3;
startWind = 0.1;
startWaves = 0.1;
forecastWeather = 0.3;
forecastWind = 0.1;
forecastWaves = 0.1;
forecastLightnings = 0.1;
year = 2035;
month = 6;
day = 24;
hour = 12;
minute = 0;
startFogDecay = 0.013;
forecastFogDecay = 0.013;

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Cool script. I probably wouldn't use it myself, but if I did, I'd want to add ATM's to the traders and make the taxi cost Krypto.


How do i add ATMs to the spawn locations? I would love to have that in eastern,central and western. as well as increasing the cost to take a cab, so that ppl have to withdraw money from their bank in spawn location to buy a taxi ride!


I will try this script when i figure out / get help with how to add extra atm to spawn locations.

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yes i now it . 



5 "" !="EPOCH_(UP|SAVE|PAINT|MAINT)BUILD" !="EPOCH_(say3D|switchMove|storeCrypto|TEMPOBJ|packJack)_PVS" !="EPOCH_(load|revive|dead|push)Player_PVS" !="EPOCH_(build|equipped)Item_PVS" !="EPOCH_GROUP_(Upgrade|Player|create|Delete|Invite)_PVS" !="EPOCH_(lock|pack)Storage_PVS" !="EPOCH_(unlock|lock|fill|repair)Vehicle_PVS" !="EPOCH_(knockDownTree|destroyTrash|MAKETRADEREQ|MAKETRADE|S_S_VEHICLES|MAKENPCTRADE|oneWayTP)" !="EPOCH_Loot(Animal|Container|Building)"

5 "" !="\"cab1\"" !="\"cab2\"" !="\"cab3\""

does not work 

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nope, you should put !="\"cab1\"" !="\"cab2\"" !="\"cab3\"" on line 1, so it reads:


5 "" !="\"cab1\"" !="\"cab2\"" !="\"cab3\"" !="EPOCH_(UP|SAVE|PAINT|MAINT)BUILD" !="EPOCH_(say3D|switchMove|storeCrypto|TEMPOBJ|packJack)_PVS" !="EPOCH_(load|revive|dead|push)Player_PVS" .............

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nope, you should put !="\"cab1\"" !="\"cab2\"" !="\"cab3\"" on line 1, so it reads:


5 "" !="\"cab1\"" !="\"cab2\"" !="\"cab3\"" !="EPOCH_(UP|SAVE|PAINT|MAINT)BUILD" !="EPOCH_(say3D|switchMove|storeCrypto|TEMPOBJ|packJack)_PVS" !="EPOCH_(load|revive|dead|push)Player_PVS" .............

What he said, put into line 1 (0).

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I tried to add this script to my server now, but i get no option to call for a cab in the scroll menu. Can any1 have a look and see what i missed? Thanks!


EDIT: I added the filters ofc =)



[] execVM "atm.sqf";
[] execVM "wai\remote.sqf";
[] execVM "scripts\fn_statusBar.sqf";
// Event Menu
[] execVM "EventMenu\eventmenu_loop.sqf";  
//Supply Drop Alert Event
"SDROP_Alert" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
hint parseText format["%1", _this select 1];
if(hasInterface)then{execVM "semClient.sqf"};
if (!isDedicated) then {
"VEMFChatMsg" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
systemChat ((_this select 1) select 0);
[((_this select 1) select 0),"align = 'center' size = '1' font=PuristaBold'],
[((_this select 1) select 1),"align = 'center' size = '0.5'"]
] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2;
VEMFChatMsg = nil;
[] execVM "Taxis\player_cab.sqf";



class CfgRemoteExecCommands {};
class RscTitles
#include "dialog\statusBar.hpp"
class CfgNotifications
class cabtext
title = "Nibble Taxis";
iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa";
color[] = {0.8,0.8,0,1};
description = "%1";
duration = 5;
priority = 0;



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I tried to add this script to my server now, but i get no option to call for a cab in the scroll menu. Can any1 have a look and see what i missed? Thanks!


EDIT: I added the filters ofc =)



[] execVM "atm.sqf";
[] execVM "wai\remote.sqf";
[] execVM "scripts\fn_statusBar.sqf";
// Event Menu
[] execVM "EventMenu\eventmenu_loop.sqf";  
//Supply Drop Alert Event
"SDROP_Alert" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
hint parseText format["%1", _this select 1];
if(hasInterface)then{execVM "semClient.sqf"};
if (!isDedicated) then {
"VEMFChatMsg" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
systemChat ((_this select 1) select 0);
[((_this select 1) select 0),"align = 'center' size = '1' font=PuristaBold'],
[((_this select 1) select 1),"align = 'center' size = '0.5'"]
] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2;
VEMFChatMsg = nil;
[] execVM "Taxis\player_cab.sqf";



class CfgRemoteExecCommands {};
class RscTitles
#include "dialog\statusBar.hpp"
class CfgNotifications
class cabtext
title = "Nibble Taxis";
iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa";
color[] = {0.8,0.8,0,1};
description = "%1";
duration = 5;
priority = 0;

remove one }; above "class sensors" and add one }; above "class intro" in missionsqm.txt

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remove one }; above "class sensors" and add one }; above "class intro" in missionsqm.txt

Cheers bro, gonna test that now!

This is not related to this script, so excuse me if im overstepping, but has anyone figured out a nice and neat way to add ATMs to Western, Central and Eastern spawnlocations on Altis so Repsawners can withdraw money from bank to pay for the taxi ride?


Thanks! I tried one of the solutions here, but it wouldnt work =(


I like the idea of having a file called atm.sqf and call for it in init.sqf, but im confused on what i would need to put in the  atm.sqf file. 

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I was too quick with updating post there lol


im getting publicvariable restriction 0 xD


Tried with the exception to add both first and now last in that line. still same kick. Is the exception written wrong in the OP or did i paste it in wrong?

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