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[Question] AiA TP Chernarus Hangar Closed Doors at Restart?


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Hi there,


I have a server with AllInArmaTerrainPack and the Map Chernarus. On NorthWest Airfield I saw some Hangars with animated gates and doors.

Than I build them in Editor and want to close the doors and the gate by Serverestart. Know this function from A2/bargate...

Searched in the AiA-Addon for the classname/ID of the gate and the door, this is what I've found:

class Land_Ss_hangar : House {
displayName = "Hanger";
animated = true;
model = "\ca\buildings\ss_hangar.p3d";
destrType = "DestructBuilding";
armor = 800;
accuracy = 0.5; // accuracy needed to recognize type of this target
cost = 0;
mapSize = 7.5;

class DestructionEffects : DestructionEffects {
class Ruin1 {
simulation = "ruin";
type = "\ca\buildings\ruins\ss_hangard_Ruins.p3d";
position = "";
intensity = 1;
interval = 1;
lifeTime = 1;

class AnimationSources {
class Door1 {
source = "user";
animPeriod = 14;
initPhase = 0;

class Door2 {
source = "user";
animPeriod = 11;
initPhase = 0;

class Door3 {
source = "user";
animPeriod = 10;
initPhase = 0;

class Door4 {
source = "user";
animPeriod = 9;
initPhase = 0;

class Door5 {
source = "user";
animPeriod = 7.5;
initPhase = 0;

class Door6 {
source = "user";
animPeriod = 6;
initPhase = 0;

class Door7 {
source = "user";
animPeriod = 0.5;
initPhase = 0;

class Door8 {
source = "user";
animPeriod = 1.2;
initPhase = 0;

class Door9 {
source = "user";
animPeriod = 1.2;
initPhase = 0;

class Door10 {
source = "user";
animPeriod = 1.2;
initPhase = 0;

class Door11 {
source = "user";
animPeriod = 1.2;
initPhase = 0;

class UserActions {
class OpenDoor {
displayName = "Open Hangar Door";
position = "Door7_Button";
radius = 1;
onlyForPlayer = 0;
condition = "this animationPhase ""Door6"" > 0.01";
statement = "0 = this spawn {_this animate [""Door7"", 1]; sleep 1.5; _this animate [""Door7"", 0]; _this animate [""Door6"", 0]; _this animate [""Door5"", 0]; _this animate [""Door4"", 0]; _this animate [""Door3"", 0]; _this animate [""Door2"", 0]; _this animate [""Door1"", 0]}; this say 'hangar_door_open';";

class CloseDoor : OpenDoor {
displayName = "Close Hanger Door";
condition = "this animationPhase ""Door6"" <= 0.01";
statement = "0 = this spawn {_this animate [""Door7"", 1]; sleep 1.5; _this animate [""Door7"", 0]; _this animate [""Door1"", 1]; sleep 3; _this animate [""Door2"", 1]; sleep 1; _this animate [""Door3"", 1]; sleep 1; _this animate [""Door4"", 1]; sleep 1.5; _this animate [""Door5"", 1]; sleep 1.5; _this animate [""Door6"", 1]}; this say 'hangar_door_close';";

class OpenDoor2 {
displayName = "Open Door";
position = "Door8_Button";
radius = 2;
onlyForPlayer = 0;
condition = "this animationPhase ""Door8"" > 0.5";
statement = "this animate [""Door8"", 0]; this animate [""Door9"", 0]";

class CloseDoor2 : OpenDoor2 {
displayName = "Close Door";
condition = "this animationPhase ""Door8"" <= 0.5";
statement = "this animate [""Door8"", 1]; this animate [""Door9"", 1]";

class OpenDoor3 {
displayName = "Open Door";
position = "Door10_Button";
radius = 2;
onlyForPlayer = 0;
condition = "this animationPhase ""Door10"" > 0.5";
statement = "this animate [""Door10"", 0]; this animate [""Door11"", 0]";

class CloseDoor3 : OpenDoor3 {
displayName = "Close Door";
condition = "this animationPhase ""Door10"" <= 0.5";
statement = "this animate [""Door10"", 1]; this animate [""Door11"", 1]";

If I put this code to the hangar init, will work perfect in the editor:

0 = this spawn {_this animate [""Door7"", 1]; sleep 1.5; _this animate [""Door7"", 0]; _this animate [""Door1"", 1]; sleep 3; _this animate [""Door2"", 1]; sleep 1; _this animate [""Door3"", 1]; sleep 1; _this animate [""Door4"", 1]; sleep 1.5; _this animate [""Door5"", 1]; sleep 1.5; _this animate [""Door6"", 1]}; this animate [""Door8"", 1]; this animate [""Door9"", 1];this animate [""Door10"", 1]; this animate [""Door11"", 1];

But if I make a sqf and load it on server, the hangar is there, all other buildings are there, but no automatic animation on the hangar doors.....

_vehicle_3 = objNull;
if (true) then
	_this = createVehicle ["Land_Ss_hangar", [6139.7441, 2149.1279, 0.25048551], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
	_vehicle_3 = _this;
	_this setDir -122.88631;
	_this setPos [6139.7441, 2149.1279, 0.25048551];
	_initCodes set [count _initCodes,[_this,"0 = this spawn {_this animate [""Door7"", 1]; sleep 1.5; _this animate [""Door7"", 0]; _this animate [""Door1"", 1]; sleep 3; _this animate [""Door2"", 1]; sleep 1; _this animate [""Door3"", 1]; sleep 1; _this animate [""Door4"", 1]; sleep 1.5; _this animate [""Door5"", 1]; sleep 1.5; _this animate [""Door6"", 1]}; this animate [""Door8"", 1]; this animate [""Door9"", 1];this animate [""Door10"", 1]; this animate [""Door11"", 1];"]];

So, why does it works on the editor, but not on the server? I'm completly mystified....

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