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Question on scripting init.sqf



I'm fairly new to scripting, and certainly to hosting my own server, so any help is appreciated. 


I've managed to apply the SEM mission files to my server, and I'm trying to apply custom load outs next. Which, thank you again to everyone on here for already being so helpful by providing easily accessible information. But, I've been looking into this and I'm still confused. 


Within my "MPMissions" directory, I have "Init.sqf" from the SEM configuration. Can I simply add the loadout code to the same init.sqf there for it to work? Or when they say "simply put it in a init.sqf" are they referring to another location? And if I add it to the init.sqf within the MPMissions directory, do I have to recompile a PBO or something? 


referring to loadout


SEM mission reference (already applied) 


Again, thank you everyone for the help thus far, I admit I'm fairly new at this and hope everyone will continue to assist as I work on building my experience :). 


Best Regards,



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