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Stuck at "wait for host"





As title says I've got wait for host problem. I've played on that server for 40 hours and this happened me for first time, searched the forums and they said it is serious problem...

SS Of the error (uploaded to steam cloud): http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/53248670552028976/2F157E1EAEE50D06844C8A68057F2B8DA40D4C97/


Server uses: Epoch

                     Overwatch 0.2.5


I've tried:

-Verifying steam cache

-Deleting battleye

-Deleting Entire folder Arma2:OA from Appdata\Local

And nothing worked



My RPT(had to put it on this it was way too long for spoiler):


If someone fixed this problem feel free to share how he/she did it and what should I do.
Thanks, Mark
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