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strong clan recruiting prefer seasoned dayz players


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Domitores malum (conquerors of evil) is doing a new recruitment need hard seasoned players this is a serious clan you have to be over 18 just be cause you are over 18 this still requires you to be a mature player we have had our fair share of those guys and it will not be tolerated... Are ultimate goal is to have atleast 5 to 10 players on at a time either building bases running scouting missions or gathering supplies and raiding other bases and calling for support players in the clan will be giving combat roles that they must follow such as pilot, driver, hmg, sniper the list goes on there will be teamleaders and a rank structure to keep everyone in line and help influence people to want to gain more responsiblity in the clan if you are interested we have our own ts but this is for serious players so just email me and we will do an interview before we give our ts info we are only 15 strong right now [email protected] welcome to the brotherhood

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