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Item Cleanup not working - Epoch


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I was under the impression that storage items like tipis and shelves were not maintained by the jammer, but if someone went into the inventory. If you did test with the building objects, are you sure that no one moved them? How could you really be sure no one touched them, especially with such a populated server? Also, I would just double check that your cleanup time is 7 days and has not been changed. Also, have you waited even longer, like 2 weeks and seen if they disappeared? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

i can confirm this issue.

i thrown a jammer and some walls into deep water.

nobody can touch or maintain it.

and its not cleaned after XX time.


expiresBuilding = "691200";  // expiration date in seconds for buildings


should be gone after 7 days. but after 2 weeks its still there


and i build other jammer and walls and i can put endless money into the jammer. its not updating the database.

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