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Most Wanted Features & Some Community Feedback


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First off I'd like show my support and say that I think the devs are doing a Phenominal Job on the mod so far in such a short amount of time. Epoch has been my favorite mod of any game since I discovered it on A2. When I heard that it was in the works for A3 I had huge hopes for it, and so far it has surpassed what I was I looking for by a mile. So a big thumbs up to the devs and great job!


So anyway, heres my list of features that I want in A3 Epoch.

Im sure most of these features are currently being worked on. Just figured I'd share my list of what I want in A3 Epoch.

Feel free to add to the list guys.


- Safes/ Large Secure Storage

Lockboxes and Teepees are a great start. But with the recent change in the amount of gear a lockbox can hold they are almost useless except for gems and high value items. I constantly find myself with tons of high value loot with no place to store it as all my lockboxes are full (With Barely any gear) and teepees are well...not secure.


-Vehicle Keys

Im sure everybody misses the good old days of being able to lock your vehicle with a key and not have to worry about it when you log for the night. This feature was one of the best of the A2 Mod and I hope too see it in the A3 version soon. Keymakers Kits with Metal Scraps or Salvage Metal for a key maybe. (Since there are No Vehicle Vendors? in the current state.) Also, possibly put lockpicks into the loot tables as a rare drop to be used to steal someones vehicle.


-More Building Items/Ways too build

Camo Nets, Sandbags, Metal Floors & Walls, Wood Walls, Barb Wire, Tank Traps, etc... Great job on the building system so far. Quite impressive. Cant wait too see what more you guys come up with.



Already confirmed and is not the normal AI Loot Crate missions from what I hear. Cant wait to see what the devs come up with on this one. Im sure it will be good.



Already confirmed for later and Cant Wait as I loved the cessnas and biplanes from A2. Although Im not sure how the landings are going to work in combat scenarios with all the invisible chicken fences scattered on the map. :D Once again, Cant wait too see what the devs come up with.


-Group Access/Solo Access

This ties into the requests for coded safes/lockboxes as it would be nice to have a safe/box that everyone can access and also have one that only you can access. When the groups get to big, etc... People forget whos gear is which/Having a box you can only access to store all your gold and gems would be great.

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-Vehicle Keys

Im sure everybody misses the good old days of being able to lock your vehicle with a key and not have to worry about it when you log for the night. This feature was one of the best of the A2 Mod and I hope too see it in the A3 version soon. Keymakers Kits with Metal Scraps or Salvage Metal for a key maybe. (Since there are No Vehicle Vendors? in the current state.) Also, possibly put lockpicks into the loot tables as a rare drop to be used to steal someones vehicle.



Since you were so sure that everyone misses the old key system, i dont. This new locking system creates alot of interesting gameplay.


1) You actually have to build a base to store vehicles. No longer people can be just leaving locked cars littering the landscape. now if you find a car, you can get into it. 

2) If people do not have a garage they will sell their vehicles to traders, gives possibility of traders having vehicles (new system doesn't have endless supply of buyable cars)

3) Creates really fun situations in combat when a car is one more timer you have to think about. If you have something valuable like a Hunter you guys are fighting for to protect, you do have to go to the car after 30mins to lock it again.




- Safes/ Large Secure Storage

Lockboxes and Teepees are a great start. But with the recent change in the amount of gear a lockbox can hold they are almost useless except for gems and high value items. I constantly find myself with tons of high value loot with no place to store it as all my lockboxes are full (With Barely any gear) and teepees are well...not secure.



Too common safes really ruined raiding bases on Arma 2 Epoch, only new players were targets for raiding as everyone who had more than 2 weeks on a server had all of their stuff in a safe. I really like the change where lockable containers are destructible and really small so this creates yet another motivation to build a base.


This is not ideal for solo players, but solo players can store their items as Krypto in the ATM and buy their gear from the traders.

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I for one don't like keys. As an admin we had people always loosing them and then asking for new ones. Then they got upset when we told them to start making copies. Having the vehicles lock the way they do is great. There is a variable that can be set for time so if you want it to lock for 24 hours you can set that. 


As for safes, the lock box hold a lot of stuff. I would like to see safes down the road, but maybe have a safe cracker kit that gave you a chance to break in. Also they need to have a variable that will unlock them after X days. I would rather see the building system tweaked right now since the gravity really sucks when trying to build. And now you can't build in a number of areas on the map like the castle in Kavala, why can't a team build there? Do the DEVs have a plan for that area? 

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