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Static AI (DZAI)



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Yes you can setup static AI.

I use them in 2 custom bases on the map.


I don't know about lootboxes etc, i only use the AI


If you go into the DZAI folder (dayz_server.pbo -> DZAI -> init -> world_spawn_configs) you see 2 folders called Custom Markers and Custom Spawns.


You first need to create a marker at a certain location:

_this = createMarker ["dzailargebandit", [7562.04, 14155.3, 0.001]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Warning";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [50, 50];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;
_dzailargebandit = _this; //_dzailargebandit must be a unique name

Markers must have unique names!!!


After that you go to the Spawn map and create a spawn:

"dzailargebandit", //This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
10,  //This trigger will spawn a group of 10 AI units.
2, //Weapon grade setting. 1 = weapon chosen from Military loot table (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
true //(OPTIONAL)* Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn (Default). False: AI will not respawn. Spawn area will be deleted when all units have been killed.
] call DZAI_spawn_units;

You must do this for the map you are using (i'm using Chernarus), so open the corrosponding filename!


Hope i helped out a bit!

If you have any questions, ask :D

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