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Players disconnecting instantly



I have noticed an issue since we started hosting Epoch. Players seem to be joining then disconnecting a second later. This is happening constantly. At first I thought it was a battleye update issue so I went ahead and placed the .dlls in the beta and battleye folders. Still happened, I went ahead and updated to the most recent Epoch and it still happened.


Here is an example


[2013-10-20 | 09:21:41]  Player #1 energy (XXXX) connected
[2013-10-20 | 09:21:41]  Refreshing players...
[2013-10-20 | 09:21:42]  Player #1 energy - GUID: XXXXX(unverified)
[2013-10-20 | 09:21:43]  Player #1 energy disconnected
This happens when people have an unverified GUID and also if it does verify it. Anyone know what this is? Is this people connecting with bad CD keys? People connecting with a bypass? Any clues where to go? I am having 20 or so new people connecting a day with this.
If anyone can help try joining and see what it happens and tell me if it gives you an error. I have already looked through the hive and server logs and there are no errors.
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Hi there. I am having the same problem on my server at the moment. My friends and family can join no problem but i am seeing a load of people joining in dart and then they get disconnected. Did you ever find out if this was on server side or the people connecting with wrong software vers.

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There are currently four different ways of connecting to a server: 


1.) Via Arma 2 on Steam
2.) Via DayZ Launcher
3.) Via DayZ Commander
4.) Via PlayWithSix


All these options are prone to display the above behavior if they are connecting to the server without having all that is required. 


This is a theory though - nothing based on anything more than observation and interrogation once the person joins TS (which is only very few people), where the majority are still trying to connect via DayZ Commander, having still Steam Beta replacement ticked in, or having the non-Steam release of DayZ Commander. 


However, I may be wrong, and this might be something completely different...

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