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Food and Hunger won't go down

Trader Joe


Hello I have been getting recent reports from my players that their food and hunger will not ever go down at all. I have recently disabled the TP anti hack in player_spawn_2. I will attach a link so that everyone can take a look and hopefully help me with this problem.


Thanks for your time,


Trader Joe


Player_spawn_2 link -https://www.dropbox.com/s/wa2vce2qq5wo1m1/player_spawn_2.sqf

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Use this instead, the TP stuff is just commented out. Compare the two and you will see where yours is wrong at the end there.

private ["_refObj","_size","_vel","_speed","_hunger","_thirst","_timeOut","_result","_factor","_randomSpot","_mylastPos","_distance","_lastTemp","_rnd","_listTalk","_bloodChanged","_id","_messTimer","_display","_control","_combatdisplay","_combatcontrol","_timeleft","_inVehicle","_tempPos","_lastUpdate","_foodVal","_thirstVal","_lowBlood","_startcombattimer","_combattimeout","_myPos","_lastPos","_debug","_saveTime","_maxDistanceTravel","_maxDistanceDebug","_maxDistanceZeroPos","_maxDistancePlayer","_maxDistanceVehicle"];
_timeOut = 	0;
_messTimer = 0;
_lastTemp = dayz_temperatur;
_debug = getMarkerpos "respawn_west";

// override vars
_maxDistanceTravel = DZE_teleport select 0;
_maxDistanceDebug = DZE_teleport select 1;
_maxDistanceZeroPos = DZE_teleport select 2;
_maxDistancePlayer = DZE_teleport select 3;
_maxDistanceVehicle = DZE_teleport select 4;

player setVariable ["temperature",dayz_temperatur,true];

dayz_myLoad = (((count dayz_myBackpackMags) * 0.2) + (count dayz_myBackpackWpns)) +  (((count dayz_myMagazines) * 0.1) + (count dayz_myWeapons * 0.5));

while {true} do {

	_refObj = 	vehicle player;
	_factor = 0.6;
	_inVehicle = (_refObj != player);

	if(_inVehicle) then {
		_factor = 1;
	_bloodChanged = false;

	_size = 	(sizeOf typeOf _refObj) * _factor;
	_vel = 		velocity player;
	_speed = 	round((_vel distance [0,0,0]) * 3.5);
	_saveTime = (playersNumber west * 2) + 10;
	//reset position
	_randomSpot = true;
	_tempPos = getPosATL _refObj;
	_distance = _debug distance _tempPos;
	if (_distance < _maxDistanceDebug) then {
		_randomSpot = false;
	_distance = [0,0,0] distance _tempPos;
	if (_distance < _maxDistanceZeroPos) then {
		_randomSpot = false;

	if (!isNil "_mylastPos") then {
		_distance = _mylastPos distance _tempPos;
		if (_distance > _maxDistanceTravel) then {
			_randomSpot = false;

	if (_randomSpot) then {
		_mylastPos = _tempPos;
	/* not used
	if (!isNil "_mylastPos") then {
		dayz_mylastPos = _mylastPos;

	dayz_areaAffect = _size;
	/* not used
	if (_speed > 0.1) then {
		_timeOut = _timeOut + 1;
	//Record Check
	_lastUpdate = 	time - dayZ_lastPlayerUpdate;
	if (_lastUpdate > 8) then {
		_distance = dayz_myPosition distance _refObj;
		if (_distance > 10) then {
			//Player has moved
			dayz_myPosition = getPosATL _refObj;
			player setVariable["posForceUpdate",true,true];
			dayz_unsaved = true;
			dayZ_lastPlayerUpdate = time;

	_hunger = +((((r_player_bloodTotal - r_player_blood) / r_player_bloodTotal) * 5) + _speed + dayz_myLoad) * 3;
	if (time - dayz_panicCooldown < 120) then {
		_hunger = _hunger * 2;
	dayz_hunger = dayz_hunger + (_hunger / 60);

	_thirst = 2;
	if (!_inVehicle) then {
		_thirst = (_speed + 4) * 3;
	dayz_thirst = dayz_thirst + (_thirst / 60) * (dayz_temperatur / dayz_temperaturnormal);	//TeeChange Temperatur effects added Max Effects: -25% and + 16.6% waterloss

	2 call player_temp_calculation; //2 = sleep time of this loop		//TeeChange
	if ((_lastTemp - dayz_temperatur) > 0.75 or (_lastTemp - dayz_temperatur) < -0.75 ) then {
		player setVariable ["temperature",dayz_temperatur,true];
		_lastTemp = dayz_temperatur;
	//can get nearby infection
	if (!r_player_infected) then {
		if (dayz_temperatur < ((80 / 100) * (dayz_temperaturnormal - dayz_temperaturmin) + dayz_temperaturmin)) then {	//TeeChange
			_listTalk = _mylastPos nearEntities ["CAManBase",8];
				if (_x getVariable["USEC_infected",false]) then {
					_rnd = (random 1) * (((dayz_temperaturnormal - dayz_temperatur) * (100 /(dayz_temperaturnormal - dayz_temperaturmin)))/ 50);	//TeeChange
					if (_rnd < 0.1) then {
						_rnd = random 1;
						if (_rnd > 0.7) then {
							r_player_infected = true;
							//player setVariable["USEC_infected",true];
			} forEach _listTalk;
			if (dayz_temperatur < ((50 / 100) * (dayz_temperaturnormal - dayz_temperaturmin) + dayz_temperaturmin)) then {	//TeeChange
				_rnd = (random 1) * (((dayz_temperaturnormal - dayz_temperatur) * (100 /(dayz_temperaturnormal - dayz_temperaturmin)))/ 25);	//TeeChange
				if (_rnd < 0.05) then {
					_rnd = random 1;
					if (_rnd > 0.95) then {
						r_player_infected = true;
						//player setVariable["USEC_infected",true];
	//If has infection reduce blood cough and add shake
	if (r_player_infected) then {
		if !(player getVariable["USEC_infected",false]) then { 
			player setVariable["USEC_infected",true,true];  
		_rnd = ceil (random 8);
		[player,"cough",_rnd,false,9] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
		if (_rnd < 3) then {
			addCamShake [2, 1, 25];
		if (r_player_blood > 3000) then {
			r_player_blood = r_player_blood - 3;
			_bloodChanged = true;
	//Pain Shake Effects
	if (r_player_inpain and !r_player_unconscious) then {
		playSound "breath_1";
		addCamShake [2, 1, 25];
	//Hunger Effect
	_foodVal = 		dayz_statusArray select 0;
	_thirstVal = 	dayz_statusArray select 1;
	if (_thirstVal <= 0) then {
		_result = r_player_blood - 10;
		if (_result < 0) then {
			_id = [player,"dehyd"] spawn player_death;
		} else {
			r_player_blood = _result;
			_bloodChanged = true;
	if (_foodVal <= 0) then {
		_result = r_player_blood - 10;
		if (_result < 0) then {
			_id = [player,"starve"] spawn player_death;
		} else {
			r_player_blood = _result;
			_bloodChanged = true;

	if (_foodVal >= 0.9 and _thirstVal >= 0.9) then {
		if (!r_player_infected and !r_player_inpain and !r_player_injured) then {
			_result = r_player_blood + 10;
			if (_result >= r_player_bloodTotal) then {
				r_player_blood = r_player_bloodTotal;
			} else {
				r_player_blood = _result;
			_bloodChanged = true;
	//Record low blood
	_lowBlood = player getVariable ["USEC_lowBlood", false];
	if ((r_player_blood < r_player_bloodTotal) and !_lowBlood) then {
		player setVariable["USEC_lowBlood",true,true];
	//Broadcast Hunger/Thirst
	_messTimer = _messTimer + 1;
	if (_messTimer > 15) then {
		_messTimer = 0;
		player setVariable ["messing",[dayz_hunger,dayz_thirst],true];
	//check if can disconnect
	if (!dayz_canDisconnect) then {
		if ((time - dayz_damageCounter) > 180) then {
			if (!r_player_unconscious) then {
				dayz_canDisconnect = true;
				//["dayzDiscoRem",getPlayerUID player] call callRpcProcedure;
				dayzDiscoRem = getPlayerUID player;
				publicVariableServer "dayzDiscoRem";
				//Ensure Control is hidden
				_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';
				_control = 	_display displayCtrl 1204;
				_control ctrlShow false;

	if(_bloodChanged) then {
		player setVariable["USEC_BloodQty",r_player_blood];

	//Save Checker
	if (dayz_unsaved) then {
		if ((time - dayz_lastSave) > _saveTime) then {
			dayzPlayerSave = [player,dayz_Magazines,false,false];
			publicVariableServer "dayzPlayerSave";
			dayz_unsaved = false;
			//diag_log format["Save Checker: %1", dayzPlayerSave];
			if (isServer) then {
				dayzPlayerSave call server_playerSync;

			dayz_lastSave = time;
			dayz_Magazines = [];


	//Attach Trigger Current Object
	//dayz_playerTrigger attachTo [_refObj,[0,0,0]];
	//dayz_playerTrigger setTriggerArea [_size,_size,0,false];

	// If in combat, display counter and restrict logout
	_startcombattimer      = player getVariable["startcombattimer",0];
	if (_startcombattimer == 1) then {
		player setVariable["combattimeout", time + 30, true];
		player setVariable["startcombattimer", 0, true];
		dayz_combat = 1;

	_combattimeout = player getVariable["combattimeout",0];
	if (_combattimeout > 0) then {
		_timeleft = _combattimeout - time;
		if (_timeleft > 0) then {
			//hintSilent format["In Combat: %1",round(_timeleft)];
		} else {
			//hintSilent "Not in Combat";
			player setVariable["combattimeout", 0, true];
			dayz_combat = 0;
			_combatdisplay = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';
			_combatcontrol = 	_combatdisplay displayCtrl 1307;
			_combatcontrol ctrlShow true;
	} else {
		//hintSilent "Not in Combat";
		dayz_combat = 0;
		_combatdisplay = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';
		_combatcontrol = 	_combatdisplay displayCtrl 1307;
		_combatcontrol ctrlShow true;
	setGroupIconsVisible [false,false];
	clearGroupIcons group player;
	"colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0.0], [1, 1, 1, (r_player_blood/r_player_bloodTotal)],  [1, 1, 1, 0.0]];
	"colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0;
	sleep 2;
	_myPos = player getVariable["lastPos",[]];
	if (count _myPos > 0) then {
		player setVariable["lastPos",_mylastPos, true];
		player setVariable["lastPos",[]];
	if (!isNil "_mylastPos") then {
		_lastPos = getPosATL _refObj;	
		if (!_inVehicle) then {
			if (_mylastPos distance _lastPos > _maxDistancePlayer) then {
				if (alive player) then {
					player setPosATL _mylastPos;
					diag_log ("Player Teleport Revert : "+ str(_mylastPos distance _lastPos));
		} else {
			if (_mylastPos distance _lastPos > _maxDistanceVehicle) then {
				if (alive player) then {
					player setPosATL _mylastPos;
					diag_log ("Vehicle Teleport Revert : "+ str(_mylastPos distance _lastPos));

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Awesome. I highly suggest using a program called Notepad++ for editing files. Set the sqf and sqm files to default to C++. It is great for editing, and you can really easily check if you have some syntax errors, or are missing a bracket as it will show you where it starts/stops when you put the cursor there. Very handy.

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