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[ Solved ] Vault dont save gear



Dayz.st Server with latest Epoch Version.


Just testing the Server and spawn a Itemvault to check it. 


But when i put items in and restart the server the items are gone.

19815439208813683218VaultStorageLocked2013-10-01 19:53:442567[67.52,[1543.86,2088.08,0.287]][][]0.000000.0000
^^This is the SQL Database Entry


Edit;Testes with a bought save, i gave me a full briefcase then bought a save in stary, set it up put my map in it, wait 10 secs, lock safe, wait 1 minute, log out. no items in the database/save.


strange is that the items are there when i logg back in, still nothing in the database ...strange. but after a restart the vault is emty..

Problem Solved: Admins Tools broke this features somehow.

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