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Just a few questions


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Afternoon all,


well the server are down at work so thought I'd make a thread as I have not done so for a while.  I have a few questions and after looking through the threads for a short while I have a few questions that I cannot seem to find any threads about:



1.  After watching Axel & Vbawol stream on Twitch RE the newest update, I just wondered if anyone (Axel/Vbawol if you can answer then great) when to expect the new update?  Ive not seen a change log on the forums and cant say I've heard the guys mention this on their twitch streams, or not when ive tuned in anyway.  (I know it's ready when its ready but I love this mod and the new additions look great)


2.  How will the update be rolled out?  Will the passworded server get the update first or will this go out to all the official servers?  Is there a way to stop the unofficial servers getting the update?  I presume all they need to do is update via launcher etc (im a noob in this area so sorry if this is not clear)


3.  Ive been playing on GPDE01 since i first got my key, have a base on there and continued to play when the server became passworded (although im still to find a god damn hunter).  My point on this is that we are a smallish group that have continued to play on here (LNL Gang) and only see a few players on the server at any one time.  If this server continues to be passworded, do the devs have any way of passing out the password to a few more players (trusted) to improve the experiance of the existing players?


On a side note due to the point above we have recently started to play on MellsHouse server and so far so good.  I found a base with 3 players in (hi to you guys if your reading this), looked very nice but was spotted, tried to hide in a building, panic prayed when I saw one of their guys pass and I seemed to glitch through a wall to the outside of the building, how this happended I do not know, needless to say I was cut down in my prime by one of the other players - happy days.....and I will be back.



As always thanks for reading all, its been a while since I posted last due to an update to my Altis server and playing of Epoch but look to be more active on the forum again once the next update is out.  Hope the Devs can get back to me on a few points (I know your busy so dont expect anything) but if anyone knows anything about the above posted I look forward to your replies.  Happy gaming, thumbs up to all involved in epoch......I did make Mendeck rant a few weeks ago on his stream......was a super grumpy about the hackers :P dont know if he will remember (therealeknz) but i digress,  TY all :D

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