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Issues since Updates.



I don't know if it has anything to do with the updates or just my server host being crap but ever since I did the update, my DB lags out really bad for several minutes and now players are constantly red chaining. The red chain just happened today so don't think that has anything to do with the update, the DB issue has be stumped.   I've contacted Vilayer about it and they were kind enough to let me know that they won't be supporting me if I continue to have issues with Epoch as Epoch is the only mod on their servers that has issues.  I think it's an excuse, but what do I know.  If I can't get this issue fixed, I have no idea what I should do.  I'm not happy with Vilayer at all.   Also, are there any good hosts out there? One that gives full access to the server files?  Every host I've looked into, I've heard a lot of bad things about.  Would a dedicated box be better for these kinds of issues?   

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