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Any advice on how to 'tweak' a new server?



Hey guys,


I call on your help once more!

I have browsed the net (and these forums) for many hours but to no avail. I am looking for any hints / tips on how to best tweak our new server to reduce the amount of dsync we get.


Are there any launch parameters such as the good old "cpuCount=4 -exThreads=1 -maxmem=2047 -noCB" that we can use on the server, or any suggested tweaks to config files that we can do.


We are running an i7-2600 with 12gig or ram so the server shouldnt be a problem.

Whilst the server is set to 50 players max, when we had 18 on the other day the red chain of doom kept appearing... CPU usage was only around 20%, and network usage was tiny. But I am not entirely sure what causes the dsync.


Another interesting little problem is that every now and then the game will say "No message received for 10 seconds" and when you look on the dedi the CPU usage of Arma drops to 0%. A few seconds later it will go back to its normal usage and the game is ok again.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions,



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