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UAV=Dead shortly after?


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Must admit, fairly new to Epoch, so forgive me. Everytime I hear a UAV above, it is followed by 1-4 heavily geared players surrounding the house/area I'm in. It's like I'm being hunted. I have shot them down, but sometimes that is not possible and the next thing you know it looks like Ferguson, MO. I've played the game for multiple hours on end and have never come across a drone/UAV....so, my question is, how do you obtain one? Thanks!

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With the new update they added a sound for when you have been spotted, is like the old modems connecting sound, I love it. I usually let them spot me because after kill the 3 AI's that spawn you can get 3 First Aid Kit, which are very rare ATM, and they are very important since they work as bandages.

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