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Arma 3poch thoughts


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game visually stunning

having played dayz epoch for a long time building bases are raiding others im sure on completion arma3 epoch will be a brilliant game and is sure to win on ''make arma not war''

even though im sure within a month as in arma2 having overpoch

arma 3 epoch will end up as part of wastepoch or some other mod mix

(all be it the best part)

as arma 3 is for the modding comunity.

as i watched a friend play the dev server for 3 hours the only antagonist was a dog which took a bullet between the eyes, the loot seems minimul with a barracks having one or two loot points in it for about the first hour we ran past rubbish piles due to the key for them being T for no aparent reason when everything else is the space key, due to the lack of a backpack when buying a gun from a trader the previous gun had to be disgarged due to the lack of being able to sell guns from hand

(which was in dayz epoch)

this mod will take up a lot of my time and i know it haha

after release im sure the amount of servers will explode into the thousends and as soon as allowed people will be scripting military vehichles in and altering loot tables.

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