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Client RPT spam from many different mods


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First, I hope I chose the best place to put this and that I'm not the only one experiencing this issue. Second, I hope I googled hard enough and this topic hasn't already been covered somewhere else.


Now then, I have a server I have been working on the past few weeks that I am starting the first stages of complete testing on. While I do have one outstanding server based issue that I'm dying for help on (http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/14090-tutorialmethod-how-to-add-itemsvehiclesweapons-to-traders-method-2/?p=125859), the server itself and the RPT logs from consistent play there seem to be perfectly fine. When I look at my client RPT however it is spammed full of hundreds of messages all very similar to:

Error in expression <hen {

_losCheck = 0;

_cantSee = [_agent,_target] call dayz_losCheck;



  Error position: <_target] call dayz_losCheck;



  Error Undefined variable in expression: _target


I have in my reaserch learned that it may be something related a recent arma patch that changed error logging, and that it may or may not affect client performance. I was wondering if any of the wizards here could tell me, and any others affected what the real damage caused by this could potentially be, and if it can be fixed by the unskilled like me in any easy manner.


Thanks in advance;


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