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Cannot Load Mission



So I would love some troubleshooting help from someone that knows a more methodical way to work this out than me.


I've loaded quite a few mods into my server and in the middle of it all something I've done is now causing an error to come up everytime someone connects which simply says "Cannot Load Mission", you hit ok, the mission still loads, people still connect and play just fine, all the mods work properly it's just a bit annoying really, nothing else. The RPT file simply says "Warning Message: Cannot load mission" which obviously isn't very descriptive. 


RPT file: http://pastebin.com/haLpQXjh -< From my test server, It's running out of the ARMA 2 directory but is just a copy of the live server overwritten on it, so ignore the directory name.


It happened about the time I loaded in the DZGM DayZ Group Management mod and Walking With The Dead mods but I've since pulled those out and still got the error anyway. Is there some way to make each file that's loaded write something to the RPT so I can at least see where it's getting to before it errors, so I can know where to start looking? Thanks for any help.

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4 answers to this question

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Check your mission.sqm for errors. 


items=2;    //error; should be 3 - Usual issue for me.

class Item0


class Item1


class Item2


I've gone through and checked those pretty thoroughly, thanks for the suggestion, that was also the first place I looked.

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do you have map additions such as building from other maps.. if so you might need to add those to the mission.sqm... I turned the ones i have added to my map red so you can see. if you add the buildings and don't add the addons to the mission when you load in it will say something about how cannot load mission due to deleted content or something like that. I hope you already got this figured out or this helps in anyway.

class Mission
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