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Getting to Know the Base DayZ/Epoch Mod



Hi all,


I'm new to DayZ scripting and I'm planning to make a DayZ mod, based on some ideas about DayZ:



Since some of the ideas are apparently beyond the limits of the base Dayz/Epoch mechanics, I'm looking for a guide which would help getting to know how the DayZ and the Epoch mode is composed. Since the code in the PBO's are rarely commented and loosely structured (first impression, correct me if I'm wrong), I will definitely need mod-specific info where to find what. I've also seen SQL databases and scripts which gave new ideas but if anyone here has an overview how DayZ and Epoch internally work, please let me know. Any pieces of info would help to solve the puzzle.


I'm still studying the PBO language and how the script interact with the mission file, but I can see in advance that the original DayZ mechanics will have to be changed.

e.g.: DayZ spawns Z's in a given area when the player appoaches buildings in that area. But I would like to have the Z-spawn wok conditionally, e.g. areas 'liberated' would no longer spawn Z's when a survivor approaches them.


Any help or reference would be appreciated.


Thank you very much in advance!




Does anybody know anything about this (see #8) ?






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Not impossible to do, but yea i would say for someone who has no experience at all it could be very frustrating... Most of us who claim to be fairly good scripters ( pls note the "claim" ;) ), have been doing this for at least a year, most longer..

From the post with your ideas i would say that it would be work for a week maybe, but is it really worth it? I see cool ideas, but those are not really as cool anymore when you have them in an Arma2 engine that handles AI not too well... Plus i do not think that players would love it too much, they would stick to it for some time but when the server would whipe their stuff, they get frustrated and leave..

This is just my personal opinion, but i encourage you to post ideas!!! The main problem of not much new content being created right now is that people that have the skills to develop new things ( me included ), are currently in a hole of uninspiration.. So if you have any other cool Idea, no matter how crazy you think it is, pls post it and maybe me or others can realize something great out of it :)

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Thanks for all your encouragements and offerings! :D


Hopefully my twenty years of programming experience will help me out. All I'm looking for is a way to quickly precess that huge amount of spaghetti code.

All the new ideas not conained in the original forum post I write back there, will definitely take time and test effort.


@xBowBii: I'll check out your sql trader tutorial! :)


Is there a good guide about the toolchain?

I assume I need an extra ARMAx license and a another PC for dedicated server so I can live test on LAN.



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Hello all,


I've managed to set up a private server so now I can start analysing the mission.sqm of Dayz Epoch and the client/server code as well.


But I don't know how the client and the server reacts if I change something in the client/server code or the mission.sqm. I mean the signatures/keys of the files.

For my private server for development, is there way to turn off such checks, or is there a way to re-generate the necessary signatures/keys/certificates ?


I assume it won't just run as if nothing happened.


Any info would be appreciated!


Thank you!


Best Regards



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