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Cinder Garage Door can't put a lock on it


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I am having the same issue. I rent two servers from dayz.st and the ItemComboLock seems to do nothing with cinder modular garage set ups.

I do have self blood bag by Krixes, so I'll take that off tonight.

To make sure I'm doing it right:

I use a workbench and build a cinder_garage_kit

Then build the kit where I want

Then upgrade it with three poles, three tank traps, and the combo lock?

I have tried this and all I get is the door without lock

Then I go to door with lock still in inventory and all I get is open/close door option.

Am I missing something?

Thanks, Eisaak

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I remarked out the compile call for Krixes self blood bag and now the locks work.


Does anyone have an idea of:

1. Why the self blood bag would interfer with this function?

2. How to get both the combolock and the blood bag to work on the same server?





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