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[Removed] Vector3D Snap Building Addon


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Just dit a test. And i must say this one is not so good as Build Vectors. Build Vectors is better and more options.


Sorry, can't make everyone happy.. This was designed for use on the server I play on for a start, if you don't like it too bad, if you do then great! I've added a link to strikers version also since you made me aware people might prefer either one.

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I dont say its bad. That not ad all. But if you look @ them. Its the same. And evry one can chose for them self. And to you nice job ik like to see more devs working and sharing stuf. That what i like to see on Epoch community


They are not the same, so please don't make a post that may lead others to think that they are, this one adapts the current keybinds to rotate around XYZ axis, his uses mousewheel options, so yes they are similar, but no they are not the same. 

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Gotta agree, two of you together could achieve a lot. Maybe toggle-able option for actions/cmdmenu vs keybinds? I mean keybinds works fine as long as tutorial part is used (which I've noticed you do). Keep up a good work!

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